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No one knew where Sydney had went, and figured they shouldn't bother her

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No one knew where Sydney had went, and figured they shouldn't bother her. Lana lies down on the bleachers, Stanley lying down on the one just a step down, plaguing with his Rubix cube.

The two hadn't even said a single word to each other. "Why'd you try and get detention, Stan?" Lana speaks up.

He sets his rubix cube down, then looks to her. "To apologize to you and Syd." He explains. Lana sighs, then sits up, looking down at him.

"I forgive you, Stan. But, I want your total and honest opinion here. Did you ever like me?" She asks. "Yes, of course." He replies.

"And do you still like me?" She inquires. Stanley takes in a deep breath, then exhaling. "Would it be bad if I said I did?"

"No. Not if I still like you." She smiles. "And you do?" He can't help but smile back. "Yeah. I was gonna ask you to homecoming at Ricky's, you know. Guess you beat me to it with Syd." She admits.

"Yeah. Sorry about that one." Stanley inhales sharply. "It's okay. I understand if you still wanna go with Sydney, though. I wouldn't want you to ditch her." Lana states.

"That is if she'll talk to me. Plus, anyway, I don't think she'll care, Lana. But you know what? I don't need her to talk to me again." He adds. "Stan! Lana!" Sydney whispers loudly to the two.

"Guys!" She repeats. Lana glances at the red head, then stands up to follow her, but Stanley pulls her back by the arm.

"She clearly needs our help, Stan. Come on." Stanley rolls his eyes, setting his rubix cube down.

The both of them walk out, shutting the door. "Guys, I need your help." Sydney states. "Oh. Okay. So you're talking to me now." Stanley raises his eyebrows.

"Listen." Sydney sighs. "Oh, wow. Interesting." Stanley adds. "Stan, shut it." Lana nudges him. "This is so—"

"Stan, seriously! Both of you, shut up and follow me right now!" She grabs them by the arms, dragging them away.

They march through the school, until they enter the library, shocked by the disaster. "Holy shit." Stanley comments.

"Did hurricane Katrina pass through here?" Lana adds. "What the hell happened?" Stanley questions. "I don't wanna talk about it." The redhead shakes her head.

"Why not?" He inquires. Sydney pauses for a moment, sighing. "Because I don't! Okay?"

Stanley shrugs, walking in between the books scattered all across the floor. "Holy shit."

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