8: Movie Jealousy

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Adam and Reeve sat next to each other on the couch, watching  the TV in front of them. Both were snuggled against one another, faint smiles on their faces. Until the clicking of keys and the sound of a turning doorknob. Reeve turned and peered over the couch to see Mira, unsurprisingly. 

She stepped in with a smile and waved at the two, "Hey guys!".

Both boys waved back. Adam then got up from the couch and hugged Mira. Reeve felt himself a sense of anger overtake him, but it fazed away as quickly as it came. 

"It's been a while since I've seen you", Adam started, breaking the hug, "ever since that beach party Kai had we've never gotten a chance to hang out."

Mira sighed, "Yeahhh, I've just gotten this new job and things have been pretty busy. But since I have the day off today, I thought the three of us could chill. You know, like old times." She gave a sweet smile. Adam nodded in agreement. Reeve's ears perked up, he walked over to Adam and Mira and crossed his arms.

"What place do you have in mind?", Reeve asked. 

"You'll see once we get there", Mira smirked playfully and grabbed Adam's hand, "now hurry up, we don't have all day!". She quickly led Adam out the door, her laugh being heard as both made their way outside. Adam came to halt and stopped Mira, turning his head to Reeve.

"Reeve, aren't you coming?", Adam asked with an eyebrow raised. Reeve glared at Adam and Mira's connected hands, but then broke his trance and smiled at Adam.

"Yeah, I'm right behind you", Reeve said back. Adam nodded again and let Mira pull him the rest of the way to her car. When did Mira get a car? Reeve followed them both, taking a seat in the back. Mira sat in the driver's seat. Reeve buckled himself in and began to stare out the window. Adam took a seat next to him. Reeve felt a hand overlap his, he turned to see Adam giving him a smile. 

"What's wrong, babe?", Adam whispered to him. 

Reeve looked away and answered, "Don't worry about it, it's nothing."

Adam sighed, "Okay, if you say so...". He gave Reeve's hand a gentle squeeze, Reeve smiled at this.

Fifteen minutes later Mira finally parked the car, in front of the group stood a large movie theater. Adam looked at it from out his window and gasped. "Is this..." he muttered.

Mira looked back from her seat and smiled, "Yep! Welcome back to our old hang out place!" Everyone swiftly got out the car, they walked together as they made they're way towards the building.

"I can't believe Hollow Life even has this", Reeve said astounded.

"I saw it yesterday when I was driving home from work, and besides, Hollow Life is supposed to have everything that we had in our memory", Mira said in a matter of fact tone.

"Well I didn't know they'd have everything", Adam smiled. The trio entered the theater and walked into the lobby. A small crowd was bustling about, most people were in line for snacks and drinks. Thank goodness none of them were hungry. Mira asked the two boys what movie they wanted to see, both responded A Quiet Place. Mira then paid for the tickets and handed one to each of them.

"Mira", Adam groaned, "you don't have to pay for us."

"It's fine, it's my treat", she said happily. The two exchanged a few glances and smiles. Reeve's eyes darted between them, a frown forming on his face. He then grabbed Adam's hand and began leading him towards the hallway that held all the numbered rooms.

"Come on the movie's starting", Reeve grumbled. Adam looked at him with sad eyes. They all decided to sit in one of the top rows; Adam in the middle, Reeve on his left, and Mira on Adam's right. As the group settled in the movie started to play. Mira and Adam were whispering about something, giggling every few seconds. Reeve glared at Mira, the same feeling of anger building up inside him. He then brought a finger to his mouth and shushed her. Both stopped talking. Mira glanced back at the screen feeling hurt. 

Adam's eyes fell on Reeve as he put his hand on his, "Reeve, what's up...you've been acting weird all afternoon."

"Like I said before, it's nothing", Reeve responded, a small blush appearing on his face. Adam sighed and gave him a sad smile. As the movie went on, jump-scares seemingly popped up every few minutes. Mira jumped at every one of them, even yelping at one of the more scary ones. Adam rubbed her back and comforted her. Reeve crossed his arms, the feeling boiling up again. Why are Mira and Adam so close...why can't he hang out with me only? And why do I keep feeling like this!? Reeve let out an angry huff. He stood up and went down the stairs, marching out the door.

Adam watched him with concern, he then turned back to Mira, "...I should go check on him. Wait here." Mira gave a solemn nod as Adam followed where Reeve went. As Reeve made his way outside he stopped, he could feel tears building in the back of his eyes but he quickly wiped them away. Don't cry, don't cry, someone will see you. Footsteps could be heard approaching him as a hand touched his shoulder. "Reeve", said a familiar voice, "something's been bothering you. You can tell me, you know I won't judge." Reeve looked at the ground.

"Please...just leave me alone".

Adam stared at him with a sad expression, "...Reeve I-"

Reeve pushed Adam's hand off his shoulder, "Adam, please!", he begged, his voice shaky. The tears in his eyes made their way back, barely holding on from spilling out. Suddenly arms wrapped around Reeve's waist protectively. 

Adam rested his head on Reeve's shoulder and whispered in his ear, "Babe, it's okay. You don't have to hide your feelings from me. I'm here for you, you can talk to me." Reeve let out a deep sigh. 

"It's just...you and Mira are so close. I know this might sound stupid but...I can't stand seeing you guys act so friendly with each other." Adam stayed silent for a moment. Adam then turned Reeve to face him, lifting up his head so their eyes met. 

He put on a warm smile, "Reeve, it's alright. I kinda feel the same way when you're with other guys." Adam chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of his neck. "But me and Mira are just friends, besides I'm gay, so you don't need to worry about her stealing me away from you", Adam joked. Reeve smiled and laughed a little. Adam gave Reeve a kiss on the cheek, which made Reeve blush. "Now come on, were missing out on the movie!" Reeve nodded and let Adam hold his hand as he led him back inside. 

Before they sat back in their seats however, Reeve quietly whispered in Adam's ear, "Thanks. I love you."

Reeve X Adam: Enemies turned loversWhere stories live. Discover now