6: Nightmare Terror

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The time was nearing midnight. Adam and Reeve were sleeping peacefully, wrapped in each others' arms. The only sounds that could be heard were the soft sound of the wind blowing against the window, and the quiet breaths taken by each of the two sleeping boys. Reeve had a faint smile on his face, but it quickly faded as a strange dream entered his mind. He found himself on the cold floor of a dark room.  It held nothing but himself, no furniture nor windows. The only source of light was from a small swaying light bulb that hung on the ceiling ahead of him. Reeve sat up with a worried look on his face. He glanced around, confused. Where am I? Reeve looked past the light bulb and saw a dark silhouette walking towards him. Is that.... Reeve squinted his eyes. Out of the darkness stepped Adam. His face was morphed into a scowl. Adam crossed his arms and stared down at Reeve, his pupils small. He said nothing. Reeve felt a sense of uneasiness overtake him. Reeve got onto his feet and slowly walked over to Adam.

"Adam?", he whispered, "what's going on-", Reeve felt a swift punch to his jaw as he stumbled back from the impact. Reeve rubbed his jaw, his face in shock, he felt a bruise start to form. "What the h*ll!", Reeve shouted angrily. He glared at Adam who only stood still, his fists balled at his sides.

His eyes burned with rage as he bellowed, "You're such a horrible excuse for a person!". Reeve's body froze. His eyes went wide as Adam slowly approached him. This can't be happening...this isn't Adam.

"W-what...why would you-", Reeve was again interrupted. He felt a strong kick to his stomach, causing him to fall and coil up on the floor. Reeve coughed in pain, gripping his stomach tightly. He watched as Adam walked up to him, prepared for another attack. Before Adam could land another hit on Reeve, Reeve quickly extended his hand forward, his eyes rolling into the back of his head and glowing white. Adam was sent back slamming hard against the wall. A sickening thud echoed throughout the room. Reeve panted as he lowered his hand, trembling as he stood up. This can't be real, this can't be happening. This thought bounced in Reeve's head as he observed the room. A low laugh could be heard from somewhere in the darkness, followed by some footsteps. Reeve's eyes darted around him, his hand ready.

"Don't deny it Reeve, you know you have no purpose in this world. You should've died like Skeet had and saved us all the trouble." Reeve's gaze circled around the room, the footsteps getting closer. 

Tears started to form in the back of his eyes, "Shut up!", he yelled towards the darkness. "I don't know what's wrong with you Adam", he said in a shaky voice, "but you know this is wrong." Suddenly came Adam from the right of him, his fist held in the air as he smiled an evil smile.

"Is it? Or am I just stating the truth?", he launched himself at Reeve, but was thrown aside once Reeve caught sight of him. He rolled as he hit the ground. Adam then leaped onto a wall behind him, to which he then jumped at Reeve. "You know I'm right", he said as he punched Reeve hard across the face. Reeve slightly tumbled but caught himself just as Adam was getting ready to launch another blow. Don't listen to him. Don't listen to him. He isn't Adam, this isn't real. 

"Adam stop it!", Reeve shielded Adam's punch with his arm. He grunted in pain as he felt his arm go limp. Tears streamed down Reeve's face as he looked Adam in his hatred-filled eyes. Adam let out an evil laugh, thrusting yet another fist at Reeve. Luckily Reeve caught him mid-punch. Adam only forced his fist forward with more force, earning a few grunts from Reeve. "Why are you...doing this", Reeve said through his teeth, "I thought...you liked me! Why are you trying to hurt me!?"

Adam gave Reeve a cold stare, succeeding in inching his fist forward even more, "I never liked you! I only said I did because you looked so pathetic!" The tears in Reeve's eyes threatened to spill out as he found himself  backed himself against the wall. He felt his power start to weaken, he couldn't keep this up forever, Adam's fist was inches from his face. "You're nothing to me, you never were! You're just a worthless piece of sh*t that tries so desperately to insert themselves into other people's lives! No one cares about you!" With every insult Adam hurled at Reeve, Reeve felt a bit of his strength slip through his fingers. The build up of tears finally burst and flowed along his face. Then came out the words Reeve never expected to hear come from Adam's mouth, "You're nothing but a mistake." Reeve dropped his hand, his eyes rolled forward again returning to their natural color. Adam's fist fell back. Reeve looked at him solemnly, hurt showing across his face. A...mistake. A flashback started in his head. 

It was of him as a child, he was small and cute, he was playing with some of his toy cars until he heard a loud shout from the living room. Because of him being the curious child he was, he got up and headed towards the sound. 

"Stop it with this bullsh*t!", yelled a man from within the room, "it's not my fault that you don't have enough money to pay the rent! You shouldn't have spent it all at that d*mn casino!" The young Reeve hid behind the living room doorframe, watching in horror as his parents fought once again.

"Well I wouldn't have spent it all if you were here taking care of Reeve like I asked you to!", yelled back Reeve's mother, pointing her finger in his father's face. 

"I was at work doing what I needed to do, at least I'm bringing home something to help out you and Reeve!".

"I need the money more than Reeve!", his mother shouted, throwing her hands in the air, "if it wasn't for him being born I wouldn't have had to quit my job in the first place! He's nothing but a stupid mistake!"

Reeve let out a gasp, tears filling his eyes. A mistake. Reeve began to cry, slumping down to the floor, sitting with his face in his knees. He wrapped his arms around his legs as he cried, and cried, and cried. His sniffles being muffled out by his parents' continued arguing.

Reeve snapped back into his supposed reality. All of a sudden Adam's arm was raised high, prepared to strike a final time. Just as his fist swung towards Reeve, Reeve could feel someone shaking him.

"Reeve? Reeve!", whispered a familiar voice. Reeve slowly opened his eyes to see Adam looking at him with concern. "You were mumbling and crying in your sleep so I-"

Reeve jumped a little and scooted away, his breathing quickened, "G-get away from me!", his voice filled with fear.

Adam watched as Reeve backed away from him. Reeve's face showed it all, he looked at Adam with caution, his eyes were wide and afraid. Adam waited a couple seconds then slowly crawled over to Reeve. He placed his hands gently on Reeve's cheeks, Reeve jerked at this but didn't move away. Adam stared into Reeve's eyes with a comforting smile. 

"Reeve, its okay, it was just a nightmare. I'm here, I'm not going to hurt you." Reeve's face was wet with tears. Reeve then hugged Adam, letting himself cry into Adam's shoulder. Adam hugged him back, holding him tightly, not caring about his sleeve getting wet.

"Y-you were...and then m-my parents...", said Reeve between sobs. Adam rubbed his back and sighed, "It's okay, you're safe now, Reeve. You know I'll always be here for you."

Reeve sat upright and looked at Adam, "Y-you promise?"

Adam nodded and smiled at Reeve, he then wiped away Reeve's tears with his thumb. "I promise. And trust me, I always keep my promises."

Reeve X Adam: Enemies turned loversWhere stories live. Discover now