Prologue: Izuku's blood

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Inko Midoriya is downright heartbroken. Her baby boy was born stillborn and carted away by the doctors. Inko's not sure how to feel right now. Her husband, Hisashi, on the other hand, seems unsurprised. Maybe he wasn't expecting much from her. Maybe he secretly hated her and purposefully wanted their child to die. She doesn't want to think these thoughts, but still, her mind is completely shattered and picking up the pieces to slowly reassemble it is hard enough.

Hisashi shouldn't be surprised. He isn't, actually. The tests are important. As much as he would love to have a son of his own, the experiments cannot be delayed. He should've known they would take him. They had just recently run out of subjects, after all, and they're pretty expensive anyways. So why not take a free child the second it's born and leave his parents ( mostly his mom ) completely shattered? It's not like the villains will care: All for One doesn't, and he's probably the least atrocious one Hisashi knows. Then again, it's not like he knows too many. He can only hope that the tests won't completely destroy his son, and that he'll live to see it.

Izuku wakes up crying. He's not nearly old enough to comprehend anything really, all he knows is that theres hurt and he doesn't like it. He opens his mouth to cry yet no sound comes out. He doesn't understand anything: he's much too young to do that, and by the time he's old enough it'll be too late.

-Time-skip to 4 year old Izuku-

"Father! Look!"

Izuku runs up to his father, All for One, holding a ball of- hold up is that blood?! All for one goes into fatherly panic mode, searching his son frantically for injuries of any kind. Only after finding none does he look at his son a bit more intently. Izuku tells him that he was just playing with his brand new villain action figures when he accidentally made it. After demonstrating a bit more, All for One realizes with excitement that it's Izuku's quirk. Izuku manages to make 3 more blood bubbles before promptly falling face-forward onto the ground from exhaustion. Teleporting his son to his bed, All for One tucks him in gently before teleporting away to speak to Hisashi.

-Another Time-skip to 9 year old Izuku I'm sorry-

All for One's been gone for almost a week now. Izuku is starting to get worried, and Tomura can tell. After all, he's worried for sensei as well. Sensei just came home today, though it seems as though somethings wrong. Sensei's hiding from them. Tomura knows. So Tomura snoops around to try to find out what happened. At first, he can't find anything. Kurogiri isn't willing to help him, either. He says that it's none of Tomura's business, but hell, he'll find out whats going on. Theres something wrong with Sensei, and he'll find out what.

A day or two later, Tomura finally finds something. Sensei's hooked up to some kind of wiring for some reason? And theres something wrong with his face too. He decides it's better not to tell Izuku. Nothing could possibly beat Sensei, right?

All for One has to tell them sometime. If he ever wants to talk to them again, he will. He's just... not sure how to do it. He knows that Tomura has already caught a glimpse of him, so theres no hiding from him anymore. Tomura shouldn't take the news too badly... he's just worried about Izuku. The boy has very limited emotions, though when he does feel one, it's amplified to the point where he'll remember it for his whole life. All for One tells Kurogiri to get the boys. Better now than never, right? Tomura walks in to the warp in front of All for One, seeming surprised but not much else. Izuku on the other hand, sees All for One and turns around, walking right back through the warp portal. All for One can't help but chuckle at his son. Kurogiri warps Izuku in again, this time feet first. Izuku lets out a yelp, and then another, much louder one when he looks at All for One again. After some choice words, All for One calms him down, before explaining what happened. He had gotten into a fight with All Might, the number one hero, and also his mortal enemy. Ending up permanently scarred for life, he left with his final blow to All Might's abdomen, puncturing a lung and his stomach. The battle was pretty well matched, which means that All for One will just have to get more quirks by the next time.

Izuku was brimming with rage, exactly what his father feared. Tomura was raging in the corner, and Kurogiri had to but the 15 year old in a corner for a time-out so he could calm down. Izuku wanted to find All Might and punch him it the crotch. Nothing much, really. It's not like Izuku had a strength amplifying quirk. He just had a quirk that let him sharpen himself ( kinda like hardening but the edges are really sharp ). If Izuku ever met All Might, the remains of the battle would look like someone painted him on a wall very poorly.

A couple days later, Izuku can be found in the park with Kurogiri watching him. He's playing with a young boy named Katsuki Bakugo, though Izuku calls him Kacchan. His father told him to say he's quirkless in public, as to not draw attention, so Izuku tells Kacchan that he's quirkless. In the days that follow, Izuku keeps playing with Kacchan. Kacchan comes up with the nickname 'Deku' for him because he's quirkless, irritating Kurogiri. Izuku doesn't care, however, and just assumes it to be normal of kids his age. He continues to play with Kacchan for a week or so, until Kacchan blows his face up. Kurogiri immediately steps in the speak to Kacchan, and warps Izuku away. All for One panics at the way his face looks, and that's when his new quirk decides to activate. His face had burn marks on it a second ago, though now it's completely healed, leaving no marks on his skin.

All for One, seeing that All Might may start teaching at UA sometime soon, decides to set up a huge play to integrate his son into society, while explaining all his quirks. He will stage experiments on Izuku after giving him Pain Immunity, and send out some low thugs to do something big. Then, the heroes will track them down to a random warehouse, where they'll be 'experimenting' on Izuku. From there, the heroes will fight against everyone in the building ( all weak thugs ) and 'save' Izuku, integrating him into society. It's a good plan. The only problem is Izuku. He has to know enough that when the heroes arrive, he'll cooperate. All for One explains his plan to Izuku and Tomura, so he doesn't get mad at Izuku for 'betraying' them. After going through the whole thing, he talks to Kurogiri as well. Right before Izuku is transferred to the warehouse, All for One grants him a new quirk, Pain Immunity, and tells him one more thing.

"Be the hero, even if your really the villain"


Hey guys, sorry if this sucks and is kinda short, it was on short notice. The next chapter should be out later today. This is my first fanfic, so I know that it's gonna be kinda bad. Just hang in there. Also, so far, Izuku has 4 quirks mentioned, Blood Manipulation, his main quirk, Sharpening, a good offensive quirk, Regeneration, a good quirk in general, and Pain Immunity. Stay tuned! Thanks for reading this. ( 1221 words so far )

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