Chapter 3: After the stuff happened

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It would be great if Izuku could have fantasized in peace, but noooo, All Might just had to interrupt him. He walked home with his 'dad' in silence, left to his own thoughts. Once they were inside, however, All Might congratulated Izuku on how heroic he was. If anything, Izuku wanted to be nothing like a 'hero'. But he had to play the part. Annoying. But then All Might said something interesting. Something about his quirk. 

Toshinori Yagi, better known as All Might, was telling his adopted son about his quirk. He started by saying that Izuku's actions were heroic, then moving into his own quirk and finally ending with asking Izuku to inherit it. All the while, Izuku was making a face as if Ketsueki had just flown off with a stray dog. Izuku seemed to think about it for a bit, before finally deciding on an answer.

"I don't need your quirk. I'll be the best without your power"

A bit disappointed, Toshinori fully understood his son's reasoning. If he couldn't pass his quirk onto Izuku, he would definitely at least train him for the next few months. Toshinori would teach his son to use all of his quirks to the fullest extent. What he didn't know, though, was that All for One was thinking the exact same thing.

Izuku just flopped onto bed after eating dinner. He had a couple hours before going to see his father for the first time in years and he wanted to actually sleep for a bit, though it was unnecessary. Ketsueki was curiously staring at him from the edge of the bed. He drifted off to sleep, dreaming of conquest and adventure. 

Izuku was woken up by a bucket of cold water to the face. He was back in his real home where he grew up and lived most his life. In front of him stood his older brother Tomura Shigaraki. He seemed to be saying something.

"Izuku, wake up already!"

"...Tomura...... I told you to use the chapstick."

"I- this isn't the time for that! Sensei is waiting!"

"Yeah yeah, I'm coming"

Izuku yawned before following a grumbling hand-man down a long passage that he remember playing in all those years ago. They stopped before a large room where father was waiting. Opening the door, he saw the heavily mutilated face of the man he called father. His face always brought Izuku to a dark place. The fatherly figure whom cares so much about him ( basically Inko hehe... ) looked like a wet potato. And Izuku cared about his family more than anything in the world. Even if they were some psycho super-villains trying to take over the world and kill All Might. Wait, did he just describe himself? Everything was All Might's fault anyways. ( Honestly though, yeah.. ) It was his fault that society was so messed up. That people were hurting somewhere because of 'heroes'.

"...You never change, Izuku" The soggy potato in a tux said. "You've been mumbling for all of the 5 minutes you've been here, you know."

Izuku felt the blood rush up to his face. Oh god.

"So.... how's life with All Might?" His father's words were filled with spite for the number one hero.



An awkward silence filled the room for some excruciatingly long moments.

"He acts like I have a potato sack over my head sometimes, though have you seen his hair oh god. His sense of style is almost worse than heros"

And then All for One burst, laughing the hardest he ever had in the last 200 years. The boy in front of him had just dissed his long time rival, the eighth holder of One for All! Oh, if only his brother could see this. A small grin came to Izuku's lips as he struggled not to fall onto the ground along with his father. After a bit, they finally settled down before AFO started telling Izuku about UA. The exam would be coming up in ten months give or take, and AFO wanted Izuku to train with him. Izuku agreed obviously. It meant that he could see with family more often, and who would turn that down? (Though maybe a small part of him whispered that it was also because of his pathetic uselessness when the slime villain attacked him. He makes a mental note to capture the offending Jell-O)

Kurogiri sent Izuku back home to rest before his training, and rest he did. He died. Well, basically. He just simply lay down and let all of his muscles (except for his brain) stop. A useful quirk he'd developed sometime around the age of twelve. He was currently brooding over his plan to save the world. Or, as his father said, conquer it. Heroes were threatening innocents and failing to save them, even causing more villains to arise. He tuts softly and shifts a little. Left to his own thoughts, Izuku slowly falls into a deep sleep to be woken up by a loud voice. Oh. Kacchan. 

'Izuku! Someones here to see you, my boy!'

Well shit, this isn't what he wanted to wake up to. Actually, this wasn't something he wanted to deal with altogether. Kacchan and All Might, in the same place, together, with him? Wow. Astounding. It took all his self control to stop himself from committing self defenestration.

He made his way slowly down the stairs to see Kacchan standing next to his 'dad' grimacing. He opened his mouth to say something before seemingly choking on his words and letting out a sound like a cat that had been stepped on. A moment later he clears his throat, puffs out his chest and with the most confidence he could muster, said,

"Fucking thank you, shitty Deku"

And Izuku's brain slams to a halt, processing exactly what Kacchan had just said. He said thanks. He really did. It couldn't be Kacchan, there was no way, Kacchan would never say thank you to someone like him.... right? Maybe it was an impersonator. Someone who could transform. Yes, that has to be it, theres no way this kid is Kacch-

"Shut your fucking mouth, shitty Deku. I only did that because the old hag made me."

His words were laced in venom and a part of Izuku feels relief, while the other part feels angry. He was relieved that it was really Kacchan and not an imposter, yet angry because Kacchan had only thanked him because he was told to. Izuku could swear that at least 3 veins popped, though regeneration really did him a solid.

"Wabble Wibble Wruu Wirb Brib Bwoo"

Ketsueki came screaming his best Kacchan impression down the stairs. You'd be surprised by how accurate it was. Izuku could barely hold a straight face as his mind raced to translate the phrase in the span of half a second. 'Stupid Deku, I'm the most stupid, don't ever forget that. I have a huge fucking mouth and you're an old hag'. Oops, there goes his casual poker face. So maybe he's laughing his ass off on the ground with Kacchan and 'dad' watching in confusion, and maybe Ketsueki is making even more Kacchan impressions from beside him. He's laughing to hard to really know.


Eeeyyyyy so I said I'd get this out earlier but then writers block came and wifi went. So uh y e a h. The update might be slow, but I'll try. Maybe I'll settle on a schedule eventually, who knows.

Word count: 1208

Please note that I did not change Izuku too much as he simply has no stutter now. He still mumbles and has the determination of, well, a very determined human. His view of the world is a bit different, though. He still wants to help people, but he sees heroes as the source of peoples problems and wants to get rid of them. Thats all :P please don't hate me.

And uh yeah, I'll just go back to trying not to yeet myself out a window. Peace.

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