Fox 2

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Requested by CinemaBane (Quotev) and cecilia.clare ( – Hope you all enjoy the second part of Fox!


Chapter 17: Commander Fox, during 'The Jedi Who Knew Too Much'

There's a fine line between doing what you're told is right and doing what you believe is right.


Fox watched the footage of Tarkin interrogating Ahsoka, trying not to scowl. His fists clenched when the Admiral took her chin in his grubby fingers, speaking down to her like she was nothing- like she hadn't saved his life at the Citadel.

He may have just arrested her for killing a prisoner, but Fox found that he couldn't muster any hatred towards Ahsoka.

He rubbed his eyes, remembering how the little dynamo had been close to tears when he cuffed her, and he hadn't even offered a word of sympathy. Skywalker had come to see her- just to speak to her- but Fox had to refuse. Karkin' Tarkin didn't want anyone visiting her which went against the rules for juvenile offenders, but Fox knew that he called insubordinate if he challenged the Admiral.

Hopefully, this was all a big misunderstanding, and Ahsoka wasn't in the wrong. A small part of him knew that Ahsoka wasn't in the wrong.

Maybe he could go and speak to her. He and Ahsoka were friends, and he was certain she'd be more willing to talk to him- someone of the same rank- than the Admiral.

Stepping out of the office into the security room, Fox jumped when he saw Ahsoka speaking into a commlink on the other side of the glass.

A prisoner has escaped. Subdue the prisoner.

His hands landed on his pistols out of instinct, "What's going on here?"

"It wasn't me!" She looked petrified.

Prisoner is lying. Prisoner is using Jedi mind trick and that is why she sounds convincing.

He hit the emergency alarm and watched Ahsoka run, lifting his comm, "Alert! Alert! The Jedi prisoner has escaped!"

His training flashed before his eyes: Chase the prisoner. Subdue the prisoner. Suddenly, he was running as well.

"She's heading north in the prison corridor." His comm blinked at him. "Cut her off!"

"Copy that."

Ahsoka was stood in front of three men that laid motionless. Her lightsabers were on her belt and her shoulders were shaking. If she had killed them, why did she stop and put her lightsabers back on her belt? Why wasn't she stood on the other side of them, running away?

Fox raised his blasters and purposefully shot to miss.

Ahsoka saw him and started to run again. He wanted to call out to her to stop, but his voice didn't work. Instead, he rushed forwards and kneeled by his fallen men. His wrist comm was suddenly activated and he was talking into it.

"Suspect has killed three clones. Code red." No, no, no! Why did it feel like he had no control over his actions? "If you see the target, shoot to kill."

"Belay that order, Commander Fox!" He'd never been more grateful for Skywalker's presence.

"She's killed troopers." No, somebody had killed troopers, not necessarily Ahsoka.

Fox stood and was quickly joined by Skywalker and Captain Rex. His legs were shaking, and his throat felt like it was closing up from the smell of burnt plastoid and flesh in the air. There was so much to take in that he couldn't think straight.

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