Chapter 1: Prologue

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[A panorama of Great Lakes City appears, and shows Sonic running away from a hovercraft with advanced technology that is trying to hit him with a laser beam. The chase is stopped]

Sonic: [narrating] So, I know what you're thinking. "Why is that incredibly handsome hedgehog being chased by a madman with a mustache who is destroying an entire city just to catch me?"

[The chase continues]

Sonic: [narrating] Well, to be honest, it feels like I've been running my whole life. And I will not lie, I only ran away several time in my life. Do not believe me? So let's go back a little bit in time, to 5 years ago.

[The story goes back five years ago. An island in the middle of the ocean appears. A young Sonic travels across the island]

Sonic: [narrating] This is Christmas Island, the island where I'm from. It had everything: sandy beaches, cascading waterfalls, public access to loop-the-loops! It was an ideal place to live, except for one person.

[Eggman appears]

Eggman: Hello Sonic, how is your miserable life?

Sonic: [narrating] This is Doctor Eggman, he is the madman with a mustache who I mentioned earlier. He wants to steal my powers to take over the world. But I won't, because I'm too quick for him to catch me.

Sonic: Well, until you show up.

Eggman: Guess what, today is when I catch you, hedgehog.

Sonic: You think, Egg Head.

Eggman: If that's how you think... ROBOTS, ATTACK!!!!!

[Eggman's army robots attack Sonic, but the hedgehog destroys them]

Sonic: There's no use using your robots, Egghead. You'll never catch me.

Eggman: If I can't capture you, I will destroy you!

[Christmas Island starts to explode, Eggman runs away]

Sonic: That's not good! I have to get out of here, and fast!

[Sonic picks up a bag full of rings. He uses a ring to open a portal, leaves Christmas Island and stops in a forest of oak trees]

Sonic: No.

[Sonic sees through the portal, Christmas Island sinking into the ocean. Then the portal closes]

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