Chapter one

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Enjoy my loves

Isabelle's POV:

"Billie, stop that" I swat her hand away from my ass, trying to sound firm to the silver haired girl.

Which we all know I can't be strict with her. My frown instantly turning to a grin and we both start laughing.

I take her warm hand in mine as we are walking down the streets on our way home from school.

Our hands swinging back and forth between us, Billie slows our walking pace. Paying more attention to our hands clasped than where we are going, her gaze anchored to the ground.

I don't say anything, but I do wonder what she's thinking.

Billie intertwines our finger tips, one by one, sliding her hand firmer to mine, now having full grip.

This isn't odd for Billie and I to hold hands, we are very close. Apart from being best friends, we have also had fun together, you know like normal 16 year olds. It started last year, we have been friends forever.

Billie was the more adventurous out of us both. Went to parties before me, tried things sexually before me, had a phone before me, all of the usual things.

My parents are quite strict, so a lot of the time I lived through her stories. Last year our friendship kind of changed. We were 15, and Billie was telling me about a party she went too. There were lots of older teenagers there and everyone was making out with everyone.

A tall girl with black hair sat on Billie's lap on the couch at this party, she leaned her head in and kissed her softly. When Billie was telling me all about it the next day, my stomach dropped.

I was very honest and told her that. I never had this happen to me when she was telling me about things happening with boys. It was an occurrence all the time, It wasn't unlikely for Billie to turn up to school with hickeys. I got used to it.

However, when she was telling me about the girl who kissed her I lost feeling. Like the coloured had drained from my body. Of course she noticed, she knows everything.

Instead of saying anything to me she just smirked and leaned in giving me a quick, sweet kiss.

Ever since then, we had kissed when we saw each other. Made out a few times in her treehouse, but as the months ticked on I felt myself falling for her harder each day. And I knew Billie felt the same way.

Our eyes would meet more often than not, across the classroom. We would text more in depth about our feelings. When we held hands, instead of being clasped together they were intertwined. The most innocent of conversations I would find Billie staring at my lips until I gave in and pecked her quickly so I could continue talking.

Our souls were meant to be.

I loved her and she loved me, it was inevitable.

So now that she intertwined our fingers, I don't know why I'm finding it so different to every other time.

Is it the look in her eyes this time, the gentle way she threaded each finger with mine more sensually, like there was a purpose, a hidden meaning.

We stop walking, right outside my house. Billie only lives 3 doors down, so maybe she was just saying goodbye... differently today...

I look to her, eyes still on the ground beneath us.

"Bil?" I question, my brows furrowed.

"Hmm" is all she hums back.

"You good?"

I lift my finger under her chin, bringing her eyes to mine. A gloss scattered over them, was she holding back tears?

The silvered haired girl walks in front of me and takes both my hands so we are now standing opposite each other.

"Izzy" she starts, I nod encouraging her to continue.

"When was the last time you kissed me with meaning behind it?" I crease my forehead.

"Every time Bil" I state the obvious, confused as to why she would even ask that.

Yeah sometimes it gets like habit. A peck when we see each other, sometimes on the lips others on the cheek.

We haven't made out for a month or so, maybe that's what she means.

"Yeah I know" her eyes rolling.

"But like, when. When was the last time you kissed me like you were in love with me" my breath hitched. Even though we knew we loved each other, it was an unspoken statement.

Neither of us had said it out loud, or as straight forward as this.
I feel like we are on the same page. Both aware of the love we share, but why now.

My face softens at her question, I pull her curvy hips towards me and wrap my arms around her waist, smiling sweetly to her.

"When we made out last month, but Billie, every. Single. Time. We kiss, there is always love behind it". I emphasise every single time.

We smile at each other like kids in a candy store. I can smell her perfume and it's making me giddy.

We both lean in at the same time, Billie's arms around my neck and mine on the small of her back bringing her closer to me.

Our lips move in sync, with so much desire but like we are kissing each other for the first time all over again. Careful, slow.

I run my tongue along her plump bottom lip asking for entrance, which she grants.

Deepening the kiss, we both forget to breathe. Pulling apart, I lean my forehead against hers, gaining our breath back.

Billie's fingers play with the hair at the back of my neck whilst mine softly move along the under side of her shirt, I had somehow moved up whilst kissing, caressing her bare milky skin.

"I love you" Billie says. I smile at her with complete joy and adoration.

"I love you too" kissing her quickly again. Sealing our spoken truths.

" Isabelle" my mother yells out from our front porch.

"Ugh cockblock" the girl in front of me moans.

"Bil, be nice" I laugh pulling apart from her.

"Hi Billie" my mom waves. Billie waves back and smiles innocently like she said nothing all along.

"I'll catch ya later" I say walking towards my house, smiling at my best friend.

Billie nods and gives me a wink. Sending butterflies wild in my stomach.

I run to my mom giving her a hug, she doesn't hug back normally. It's more cold.

What is with everyone today and their mood shift.

As I get into the house I notice my father sitting on the couch in my living room.

"Isabelle, we need to talk". He states firmly, gesturing for me to sit on the seat in front of him.



New story, I couldn't shake this idea so here we are.. hope you enjoyed 😁

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