Chapter nine

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Izzy's POV:


After getting ready I notice it's already 9:30pm and I'm going to be late if I don't leave home now. My thoughts ran in all different directions after texting Billie, therefore making time speed up until I pulled myself from distant memories and changed out of the towel I was still sitting on my bed in.

I grab my bag from the couch and opt not to pick up my clothes from earlier, not like anyone will see, I am sure Brian will be out tonight as per usual.

As the cold New York air hits my face, I hail a taxi, gaining a ride almost immediately.


I arrive at SNL set and see people walking out, they must've concluded filming for the day. Some stay behind and join the ever growing crowd.

I quickly shoot Billie a text to say I'm outside. I look up and notice the abundance of her fans lining the brick wall down the streets, all either wearing some sort of merch or posters held in front of them.

A black SUV pulls up to the front of the building and the fans all gasp or scream waiting for Billie to walk out the front door.

God this is such a different life than I am used too.

I notice a gentleman in a black suit walking towards me, I focus my gaze elsewhere, slightly feeling uncomfortable at his large demeanour.

"Miss Isabelle?" The man asks softly.

"Can I help you sir?" I felt as though being polite was the best option given I now see he has walked from the SUV.

"Ma'am, Miss Eilish has requested yourself in the car"

I don't answer as he has started to guide me towards the large SUV. The door is opened for me and I slide onto the seat.

I see Billie smiling back at me immediately.

"Hi pretty girl" she greets, making me blush.

"Hi" I reply getting myself more comfortable in the hard leather seat.

"You come out a back door? I think they were expecting to see you" I point out the window.

"Yeah" she giggles. "Underground car garage, I wanted to see you and that would've taken another hour or so" she answers my question.

I can't help but smile and her wanting to see me.

"We going somewhere?" I change the subject as the car takes off.

"Yes and no" she shrugs.

Why does this feel awkward

"I thought the same thing" she giggles softly

"Fuck did I say that out loud" I curse myself, making her laugh wholeheartedly.

Wow, I've missed that laugh. Her beautiful blue eyes lighting up as her smile shows her adorable dimples.

After all these years, and she still owns my heart.

"Stop staring bro" she lightly shoves my arms and blushes.

"Bro?" I question and raise my eyebrow.



"Nah bro, don't fuck with me you know we are watching it, you promised today at lunch" Billie said, her silver hair falling over her face as she sets her laptop down on her desk pulling up The Office.

Always, You. {Billie Eilish Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now