Chapter seven

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Present day

Billie's POV:


I can't believe this is happening. My arms wrap tightly around Isabelle. My eyes spill the tears that I held, with each drop comes a memory, another tear falls as they all collide into a stream running down my face.

I don't want to pull away from her, the warmth she radiates burning a hole through my chest, but I need to see her face again. See that it's really her, in all her glory.

I gently pull away, my hands finding there place on her wet cheeks.

I brush a few stray tears away, but alike to mine there is a stream of many.

I wish I could tell her it's okay and I'm here now, my poor angel. However, I need to keep my distance, metaphorically speaking. I don't know if there is someone special in her life and I can't make this more difficult.

There is someone in mine. Although not the way it would be if it was Isabelle. Trent, he is a nice guy but there's no pure love. We do have a connection though, and I don't want to hurt him, at least not yet. He's been good to me, and I didn't know Izzy was even an option.

Fuck what am I saying. She isn't an option.

"Hi" her sweet voice says, pulling me from my thoughts. I realise I was staring, ugh nice one Billie.

"Hi" I repeat back to her.

She looks good, healthy. Beautiful, as I remember.

She still has her long brown her, but her body is more mature, more defined.

Oh my lord, hot.

Looking back into her eyes, I smile.

"What are you doing here?" Izzy questions. I give a slight giggle.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you're meant to be interviewing me?" I chuckle.

Izzy's POV:

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you're meant to be interviewing me?"

I internally curse myself. Of course I am, how stupid. I meant how are we finally seeing each other after all this time.

I pull away, and take a step back from Billie.

"Ahem" I clear my throat. I think I see a flash of disappointment as I remove my body creating space between us again, but I shake it off.

She is probably really busy and I need to get on with my job.

"Right - yes I am" I move over to my iPad on the table and pick it up. I take a seat on the couch and gesture for Billie to do the same.

I can't think straight.

The green haired girl walks over and takes a seat on the couch next me. She turns her body so that her arm is resting on the top of the couch and her leg is under her, whilst her body is completely facing me.

I sneak a glance at Finn who is chatting with Brian and making faces at us both. Brian knows everything about Billie and I, sometimes he was the one carrying me to bed when I fell asleep on the couch, he would notice my eyes were red and puffy from having a bad day. Each morning he would ask how I was feeling and one day my whole story came gushing out. He has always been there for me and understood my hardships.

I don't doubt they are talking about us.

I pull myself back to the job at hand, opening my iPad to the questions my boss sent over to me for Billie.

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