My Hero

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It's another beautiful night sky. Everything is so dark except for the white twinkling stars, the fated white clouds, and the white moon that's halfway full. The nature of deserts during these nights is so peculiar. It gets cold when the sun it's not around, but Rogers, Steven Grant Rogers, the lost sheriff of Timely is- in deep thought to care about a little breeze.

The blonde sits criss- crossed at the edge of a canyon, admiring the silver hip flask instead of the wonderful deep levels of rocky cliffs. The hip flask was not even his- but it does belong to someone dearly special to him, and Stark was carved to the silver bottle in rich detail- and by caressing his naked thumb over it, he felt more at sea.

It's been days he hasn't seen his home- hoping his people are still safe by the deputy- also known to be his long childhood friend, James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes. And if there's a chance where he needs backup, Rogers knows his other buddy, Natalia Alianovna "Natasha" Barnes- Bucky's wife- will be happy to help him out. Even though his wife is known to be a pretty nibbler.

But again- what he really hoped was that his little "Romeo" was safe and sound. And luckily for Rogers, he's being told that they are close to Timely. "Roger?" A man alerted him. Steve looks up at the tall Indian man named William Talltrees- likes to be called Red Wolf- asks if he's alright. Steve nods "yes" and looks down at the hip flask once again with a small smirk in his face.

In some way, it warmed Wolf's chest, knowing the sheriff is thrilled to go back home. After all, he's been through the mill. Rogers helped him fight for his tribe, so now it's time to pay him back. And tonight, it will be their last camp before they will reach Timely. Which was a quite painless journey for them this past six days. They only came across a couple of cliffs and a broken town- which was a bit of a pain to run away- but either way it was quite harmless.

Because one of the greatest perks of being a Cheyenne was the ability to know your surroundings, with the help of wolves- known to believe as his guided ancestors. Plus, he's also a champion to his team called The Rangers. So their journey to take sheriff Rogers back home, was a piece of pie.

"You love that metal thing so much. Why so?" Wolf asks, sitting next to Rogers. To take a break from his fellas in the cap fire, and give some attention to the lonely cowboy. "You- went back to get it. You could have died." He added, mentioning the broken town they left automatically.

They were just traveling the dry lands as usual- during a sundown, and a town came along their path. They were hoping to stay in town for the night however- they were not aware of the constant crimes of the town. One of their horses got stolen, there were suspiciously a lot of red glowing lanterns, a lot of six- shooter bets on Rogers, and worst of all, the town had a lot of hooligans who were against rednecks and we're planning to kill Red Wolf. So during their horse runaway, the hip flask fell off Steve's belt.... And he went back to get, even if there was a stampede of bandits chasing him, William, Clint Barton, Bonita Juarez, Victorian Star, Hamilton Slade, and Drew Daniels. 

Stupid as it sounds, Steve announce the grup that hes going to run off in a bad direction- a left turn. Luckly, Barton caught what Steve said and spread it to the team- to keep shooting and that Steve is going back to get something important he forgot apparently.

But then, two hooligans went back to follow Steve, and kept on targeting him. It was a stressful task, but that won't stop for sheriff Rogers to spot the shiny flask. He hop out and hop in the filly in a flash but... He notes the bandits are now long dead in the dirt. Reason that Shooting- Star, aka Victorian- perfectly shoot them down in a jiffy, thanks to her shooting skills from the rodeo performances.

Really deserves a tip on the hat for her.

"Haint' I told you before? Belongs to someone important ter' me." Steve says, in a warm smile, thinking more about his special someone. So special to his dear heart that he will even die for him. Just like- how he sacrificed himself to get the "useless" hip flask. "Even if it cost my life." Steve added, holding the flask tighter and fading his smile. "Hope she's alright."

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