Prologue Part 1: Choices

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I know I said about not putting pics, but on certain moments I will due to the fact some characters might not have a description and I am just terrible at it.

Also, characters from Kingdom Hearts are owned by Square Enix.

OC characters are either owned by me, my brother or some of the creators here at Wattpad! The creators will be given at the end of the chapter.

Also, this are times where you will interact in order to get the story going.

With that out of the way, on with the story!

To many, reincarnation is something people have dreamed of for eons. The chance to fix the mistakes you've done in your past life, a chance to fall in love again and be something greater.

But to this one person, reincarnation is both a blessing and a curse. He is always reincarnated in the land of Hyrule with the hero there. But it seems fate has plans for him.

Now, he is reincarnated in a new world and must save the universe.

Your name is (Y/N) and this is your story.

A heart pumps as a person falls deeper into the abyss, your eyes closed. You stir awake and manage to right yourself before settling onto a dark platform. You look around and take a step forward. There is a flash of blinding light as a large flock of birds rise from the platform, flying in all directions and scattering feathers everywhere. You shield your eyes as the wind whips at you. You watch them leave while the last feathers fall. The platform now depicts a girl taking a bite out of an apple. You turn around seeing no one, yet hearing a voice.

???: So much to do, so little time... Take your time. Don't be afraid. The door is still shut. Now, step forward. Can you do it?

You take a few slow steps forward. A light shines down from above as a large stone pedestal rises from the platform in a shower of light and magic. You turn toward it. A red shield blinks into existence, floating above it.

???: Power sleeps within you...

Another pedestal rises from the platform, a blue staff floating above it. You turn around to face it.

???: If you give it form...

A third pedestal appears in front of the you, who turns toward it. A metal sword appears in midair.

???: It will give you strength.

You stare ahead at all three.

???: Choose well.

What will you choose?
1. Sword (Extra ATK and Ranged ATK)

2. Shield (Extra DEF and Magic DEF)

3. Staff (Extra MAG and Luck)

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