Chapter 12: Peter gets a tail. Jungle house, monsoon, and crocodiles

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The group finally makes it back to Jefferson Street, and heads towards the house. As they do, Jiminy comes out of Sora's jacket. 

Jiminy: Guys, you might want to hear this. While you were at the store, I took this radio, so we can listen to the news. And I'm afraid it's bad. 

Sora and his friends continue walking as they listen to the radio. 

Woman on radio: Update on the extraordinary events in Brantford, New Hampshire. For at least ninety-eight people have been hospitalized with symptoms ranging from inexplicable fevers and rashes to violent seizures. Local resources are strained to the breaking point. And state officials are now asking those with such symptoms to dial 911. 

The news end. Sora and his friends look at each other with horror on their faces and in their eyes. 

Sora: Oh, man. The animals from the game are really becoming a big problem, and all the people here are getting hurt. 

Jiminy: I suggest you all finish the game quickly. It's the only way to end all of this. 

Namine: Jiminy's right. Once the game is over, all of this will go away. It'll be like it never happened in the first. Everything will go back normal. 

Donald: Guys, even if it does, it won't be normal for Alan and Sarah. Alan's parents will still gone, and people here will still call Sarah crazy. 

Sora: We know, Donald, but they know they have no choice. 

As they talk, Kairi notices Alan is talking to Peter, who has his head down. She figures Peter is feeling down that Alan is angry at him for what he did. He then hugs Peter. She smiles at this. 

Kairi: Guys, look.

They all look, and see Alan hugging Peter. They all smile. Peter then whispers something in Alan's ear. Then Alan goes behind him, and rips off part of his pants, to reveal a tail. Riku and Goofy look in shock. 

Goofy: Ok, that's new. 

Sora: Yeah. 

Roxas: Ok, we definitely need to end the game now. 

They all make it to the house, and they approach the front door. 

Alan: Don't worry, we'll have you turned you back into your old self in no time flat. Because we'll all go in here, together, we'll sit down and finish that game. (Opens the door) No matter...

They all look as they come inside, and their eyes widen.

Alan: ...what. 

The entire ground floor of the house is covered in vines, plants, and roots. Roxas closes the door as they look around. The house now feels like a jungle inside. 

Alan: Suddenly, I feel right at home. 

Sora: Me too. And so does Donald and Goofy. 

Kairi: Come on, guys. Let's hurry.

They all walk down further, and sit down on the floor. They open up the game, and they see the tokens have moved again on their own. Sarah looks around, and gets a little uncomfortable. 

Sarah: Shouldn't we play someplace else?

Alan: No. Sora, Donald, Goofy, and I grew up in this. It's out there that scares me. 

Judy, Kairi, Namine look at the game, and they see Alan and Sarah really close. They count how many Sarah needs to win. 

Sarah: Okay, it's my turn. 

Judy: Sarah, if you roll a 12, you win. 

Sarah: (Looks at her, and nods) Okay, ready? Here I go. 

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