Chapter 4 The House of Blackthorn

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As they rode quietly through the village of Blackthorn and approached the stone castle Isabell noted that it was painted white with blue, green and red bold stripes below the crenulations. They were greeted with shouts as people celebrated the return of the Baron. They were shouting "Baron Gregory, Black Baron", and cheering. The crowd seeing a blond hared woman and believing she was a Norse woman riding a war-horse also shouted cheering "Shield-Maiden". Upon hearing the name Baron Gregory Isabell at first felt terrified, then very angry. She pulled her horse up next to the Baron.

"You lied to me. Now that you've had your fun at my expense what will you do to me?"

"I never lied to you Izzy, didn't tell the entire truth. Let's start with my name, Gregory Bryon Fredrick George Black, Baron of Blackthorn. I have always been George. All the males carry the names Gregory Bryan Frederick as did my older brother Sean. I just inherited the title when Sean died a month ago. As for you Izzy I will keep my promise. Please Izzy, I really value your trust, and your company."

"Baron, you are not my peer..."

"Izzy, always call me George. I see you as not only my peer but my equal." Isabell was speechless. She continued speechless as they left the horses with the grooms at the stable and walked into the keep.

"I trust you George, with my very life." George took her hand and led her into the family residence.

George's large extended family were eager to greet him as he entered holding Isabell's had fearing that she may bolt. A long line of introductions followed. The last two George led to a quiet room and closed the door. Izzy this is the Dowager Baroness Ellen, my mother and my little sister Lady Gloria. George hugged his mother and kissed her cheek. Then turning to Gloria with tears in his eyes they simply hugged as Gloria wept and George kissed her forehead. "You're a woman now Gloria!"

"What did you expect George, you big goof. Did you expect me to stay eight years old?"

"Ladies let me introduce the Lady Isabell, Izzy."

"You never mentioned you had a lady in your letters George," Ellen said.

"She only recently captured me Mother. I want her to stay here."

"OH PLEASE, can she stay with me?" Gloria said quickly. "It will be like having a sister."

George was occupied with business and they had missed the midday meal, so Gloria simply grabbed Isabell's hand and led her to the kitchen sitting with her chatting. "I'm so happy to have you here Izzy. Things here are so boring and I get so lonely. I never get out because I get ill so easily. Is George going to marry you?"

"No!" Isabell said choking on her ale. "He plans to teach me to be a woman-at arms."

"He said that!" Gloria laughed. "I can see by the way he looks at you he's totally taken by you. Do you find my brother handsome?" Isabell laughed.

"Very." That had both of them laughing.

"You know he's a twin. Sean was the oldest. He was really mean. He would always tease George saying he was the heir and George the spare. Things really worked out different, George was in the seminary when he had to leave to lead the army. Sean like me wasn't very healthy. He did hang onto the title though."

"How old are you Gloria?"

"I'll be eighteen on the fifteenth of May. Tell me Izzy did George kiss you yet?"

"No," Isabell answered not quite sure where the questions were leading.

"I've never been kissed!" Gloria moaned.

"Neither have I."

"Really? Izzy we're about the same size, come with me, your dress is awful." Not waiting for a response Gloria took Isabell's hand and lead Isabell to her dressing room. "How old are you Izzy?"

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