Chapter 3 Knight

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Isabell waited sleeping quietly for George to come around. As he regained full consciousness George saw a young peasant woman sitting on his chest pinning him apparently sleeping. Her wavy long golden hair was loose and nearly to her waist. She was barefoot and wearing the oldest baggiest faded clothes he had ever seen. Her features softened buy sleep she was by far the prettiest peasant woman he had ever seen. Trying to move George realized he was bound hand and foot with green rags and rope. His hands and legs also bound together.

He shouted, "Girl, get off me and cut me loose."

"You must yield and promise to behave yourself George."

"How dare you address me as George, let me up," he growled.

"Settle yourself. You introduced yourself as George. You must promise to behave before I untie you."

"Are you in league with those Devils, I will see you hang..."

"Your bluster doesn't scare me George. Will you promise..."

"No!" George bellowed.

"I have a nice meal prepared, fresh rabbit, roast parsnips, cheese, bread and ale."

"MY ale, bread and cheese."

"No George, mine. I tried to save you but you attacked me. Under the rules of chivalry..."

"Hang the rules woman. I saw you swing the staff. I had everything in control."

"No George," Isabell shook her head, You didn't see Ian behind you with a blade, he was about to stab you. My staff missed him and hit you. I did drive him off."

"PURE DRIVVEL, you are going to hang. Unless you let me up. You were in league with those villains and are now trying to save you damn neck."

"You are such a dumb clod. You saw they had me bound. You're two stubborn and bull headed to see the truth. So now you are my captive, submit of I'll take my horses and armor and leave."

"YOUR HORSES, the laws of chivalry only applies to peers woman. Not to worthless peasants."

"I am freeborn, a Yoewoman."

"What!" George literally shrieked with temper as he rolled trying to shake her off.

"George, I really don't want to hit you again, yield and give me your word."

"Why did you hit me twice then 'Yoewoman'?" George sneered sacasticly.

"You scared me. Please George just promise."

"And you'll simply let me go?"

"No George, you're my captive, you are bound to me."

"And all my property, you want all I own." George looked at her, sitting demurely pinning him and not flinching. He had to admire her, but he was the master, not some 'Yoewoman'.

"No, I don't want your stuff George, or a ransom, I want you to teach me to be a woman-at-arms."

"Jesus, Mary and Joseph woman!"

"George, stop swearing, it offends me."

George took a deep breath forcing himself to settle. "I promise, how shall I address you."

Since we are on a first name basis, I'm Isabell, you may call me Izzy. She released his bindings. They sat together eating.

"What's this a carrot?"

"It's a parsnip, from my garden. Try it George you'll like it."

George gingerly bit into the parsnip. "I do like it, sweet tasting."

PREVIEW:  Isabell and the DragonWhere stories live. Discover now