Page 4: Newborn Resolve Tested - Chapter 1 END

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"Hey nerd, how long are you going to be in there?" asked a young Katsuki, hastily knocking on the door of the bathroom as he rubbed his sluggish eyes, "You've been in there ever since I woke up, what are you doing in there?"

At first, no reply was given from beyond the locked door.

"...Nothing," Izuku finally answered.

"What? Then get out if you're already done in there!" Katsuki told him, puzzled as to why he was hogging the entire bathroom to himself.

"I-...still want-...need..." a solemn sigh came from beyond the door, "I just need to stay here...just a little longer."

"...Whatever, can I at least come in and brush my teeth?"


"Oi, my toothbrush is in there. I already had to use my damn mom's shower, I'm not using her toothbrush as well! Argh, now look at what you made me do, my mom will chew my ear off if she heard me swear!"


When Katsuki heard the door's lock make a clicking sound, he took it as an invitation, opening the door and entering the bathroom. As he walked in, he spotted the green-haired boy, he was sitting in the bathtub with his knees hugging his chest and his head hanging low. The blond was quite surprised to see Izuku the way he was, the fox boy was never one who walked around with his head held high by a mountain of confidence, despite the hardships he faced Izuku managed to keep his head on a leveled ground before now. Seeing him so gloomy like this out of nowhere felt unusual, it's the early morning and they haven't gone to school yet, what could've happened to make him so upset?

Questions that he would like to ask flooded Katsuki's mind yet, there was a feeling dwelling in his stomach that told him not to. Besides, as his mother instructed, his job was to protect him from harm by the outside world, he doesn't need to get involved with all his affairs. Walking by the bathtub, the blond approached the mirror, collecting his toothbrush and paste from the cabinet to start his morning routine. As he brushed his teeth, he took repeated looks through the mirror at Izuku, watching him. The greenet didn't move an inch the entire time, the grief he was suffering made him sit still like a statue. While it was unnecessary, Katsuki decided he was going to ask a few questions, convincing himself that it was only out of curiosity.

"Alright, I'll bite, why the hell are you sitting in the bathtub?"

"'s nothing."

"It's definitely something, you're defective but not senseless."

"How would you know?"

"My mom said that people only sit in the bathtubs when they're not bathing to sulk, like my dad when my mom played something called a 'break-up' prank on him...well she initially said two reasons but then never mentioned the second one. Anyways, there's obviously something on your mind, spill it."

"I don't wanna talk about it."


"It's just...personal."

"...Fine, whatever!" the blonde responded, spitting into the sink. Unscrewing the cap for the mouthwash, he prepared to rinse out the remaining bacteria from his mouth, not before telling Izuku "I just don't want this to be a daily thing, going into my parent's bathroom made me find out way too much about my parents!"

With Katsuki being on his way out and the dawn of solitude steadily approaching, Izuku finally called out to him, "Hey!... Kacchan."

"What!?" Katsuki replied, pouring in some mouthwash.

"D-do feel like you should've been born?"


This was a potent question for two ten-year-olds to ask each other, a hard contrast to what society would think kids of such a young age would be thinking about. The underbelly of humanity will always be dark and ugly, yet, it's an unavoidable trail many must face one day. Izuku had just encountered his own the night before.

Tails of Fortune[Kitsune Izuku Midoriya x Teen Rumi(Miruko)]Where stories live. Discover now