CHAPTER 37 - No Appetite

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I stared blankly on the wall. Tears falling down my cheeks, I sobbed when memories kept flashing back. I mourned for so many years, blaming myself that I did not help him. I blamed myself for being naïve. I had no choice but to take over the throne. I decided to stop thinking about myself as for now, nothing will change my mind. I walked to the stable and I saw Charles, Xavier's stallion. "Hey, Charles! I know you do not understand me! I need to go to the town." I smiled when the stallion bowed his head before me, allowing me to ride on it. I opened the stable and I climbed on it and it gallops to the town. I stood in the center of the town. Most of the bodies had been burned to ashes. The town became a ghost town.

I walked in the town, I could hear my people crying and shouting for their lives. I could imagine the horror they felt before the bloodsuckers killed them mercilessly. I failed as a wife, I failed as a princess and I failed as a queen. "Love!" I heard Ezra's voice. I turned and our eyes met. "I failed!" the words I uttered. "No! Do not put all the blame on yourself! I failed too." He mentioned as he pulled me close to his chest. "I am sorry about just now!" he mumbled. "I am sorry too!" I sobbed against his chest. "He is sorry too!" Ezra pointed at Xavier approaching us. "Xav..." he pressed his lips against mine. "I am sorry too!" he smiled. "How are we going to clean up this mess? The kingdom is empty! All of my people died miserably!" I wept.

"Some of the villagers managed to hide in the enchanted forest. I managed to send most of them to the forest. Remember what I said previously?" Ezra smiled. "You mean?" I gasped. "The one who died are the traitors! That was how Dimitri's associates managed to attack the kingdom. They have been giving information to them. When I knew about it, Dimitri was already at the gates of the palace, so I asked some of the guardians to evacuate the villagers immediately and those who stay were those who betrayed Eradian." Ezra explained. 

"I wanted to inform you, but Dimitri got to me first!" he growled in annoyance. "After cleaning up the whole town, we will bring back the villagers!" Xavier continued. I tried to smile; "Come, let's go home!" Ezra smiled and he snapped his fingers. We arrived at the dining hall. "Charles, I left him there!" my eyes widened. "I will handle it!" Ezra told and he snapped his fingers and he came back after five minutes. "He is in the stable!" Ezra smiled.

The food already served on the table. My parents came from their room; "Mom, Dad! I am so sorry! My mistakes almost cost your lives!" I cried and embraced them tightly. "No worries! We are all together, safe and sound! That's all that matter!" my mum smiled. "Regarding the oca..." my mum elbowed my dad disrupting his speech. 

My dad groaned in pain, "Nothing!" he smiled. I tried to smile, but for now, nothing will change my mind. I sat between Xavier and Ezra; I stared at the well-done beef steak. I had no appetite; I was playing with my food instead. Suddenly, Xavier places his fork with a slice of meat in front of me. "Eat something!" he pleaded. I opened my mouth and took the meat; I frowned as I swallowed the meat. He did the same gesture again but this time, I shook my head.

I gasped as I felt Ezra's hand on my inner thigh. "Eat it!" he growled. I lazily took it and chewed the meat. My parents were shaking their heads as they witnessed my childishness. "Your highness, would you like something else? We can cook for you." a beautiful lady with short brown hair asked. "No! It's..." "Cook for her some pancakes!" Ezra instructed. I narrowed my eyes, glaring at him. The pancakes arrived; and I drizzled some maple syrup on it. "Come!" I smiled as I cut a slice and feed it to Xavier. Xavier munched the pancakes and he smiled widely. I did the same to Ezra, but he shook his head; "I know what you are doing! Eat up all!" he ordered. I frowned; I took a small bite. My parents decided to leave us three as they have a stroll by the seaside.

Once my parents left the palace, Ezra's hand stroke my inner thigh. I closed my eyes as his hand accidentally touch my core. I began cutting my pancakes into smaller bites but instead I dropped the knife on the ground. "I will help you!" Xavier growled lazily. He went under the table to pick up my fork. I jolted when I felt my legs were pushed further and a face between my legs. Ezra's hand was on the table, tapping on it. I glared at him as he chuckled. "This is your punishment for playing with your food!" he whispered. I was confused, I gasped when I felt Xavier's lips touching my core. "There are other people here!" I growled in frustration. "Look again!" Ezra uttered as he took a bite of his steak. No one was in the hall, only the three of us and the door is closed.

I heard ripped sound, realizing Xavier tore my undergarments. "Eat up!" Ezra asked. I shook my head, "I am not..." I gripped the table hard when I felt Xavier's tongue licking my core. "Eat up or he will continue teasing you until you beg us to take you here itself!" Ezra sounded coldly. I took a small bite of the pancakes. I feed one to Ezra, "Please, just one!" I begged. Ezra eat it and I grinned at him. I pushed myself towards the chair, away from Xavier. Xavier growled; "Are you done eating?" "Please continue! She is taking too much time!" Ezra smiled as he gulped a glass of red wine. 

"Delighted!" Xavier howled as he pulled me nearer to him and he shoved his tongue inside me. I moaned; jolts shooting down my core. He snaked his tongue inside me, massaging my walls. I held the table as my body trembled. I glared at Ezra; I wanted to push Xavier, but Ezra cuffed my hands behind my back with his spell. "Oh! Come on! It's not fair; two against one!" I growled. Ezra placed a fork with pancake in front of me. "Wife finish up your meal!" he smug. I tried adjusting myself, but Xavier was moving faster. "Fine!" I ate the whole pancake that Ezra feed. "Isn't this simple!" he smiled. He bent his head; "She finished her food!" he smiled. "She came!" Xavier chuckled as he slurped my nectar.

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