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Kayla's pov

I know I might sound crazy but my life used to be perfect.

Good grades, preppy girl, daddy's little girl, always got what she wanted. Untill I ment a group of friends that had drugs.

I've never been the same since. Wait hold up your probably wondering what do you mean.

Well you see. I was struggling when I was 17. I had no one in the world to talk to untill I ment tara, Devon, and jc. They helped me. They helped numb the pain. They showed me how to be happy. They showed me how I can finally release that bad side in me instead of keeping it all inside.

They have been there for me when no one else have and I'm glad for that. And I'm the same way for them. I'm always going to be there for them.

They all told me what I was getting into and I told them I know. I didn't mind, if I wanted to stop I could. I'm not addicted. I don't usually get addicted. I've gone months with doing it on my own.

I grew up in Melbourne Florida. Deyvon grew up in Orlando Florida. We ment at a football game on separate cheer teams. At first we kinda hated each other but then we got close and became best friends.

Tara lived in Maryland. Me and dev ment her when we turned 18 Same with JC, he lived in new York but we ment him in Maryland. JC and Tara had been doing drugs before we had ment them though. Dev had told me what we me and her were getting into and I didn't care to be honest.

It's hard to explain how we became bestest of friends to this day. We just connected I guess. We had that best friend vibe going on. I loved it.

Now we're in our 20's living in California. Hollywood at that. With Tara and dev.

*Present day*

I had a deal today and it's with some guy named Colby. I don't know him and I don't care. I just need to get my weed and xan. Deyvon told me he would be perfect so like why not.

*Later on that day*

It was 11 pm so I decided to change.

I finished putting my earrings in and grabbed my backpack and skate board and left

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I finished putting my earrings in and grabbed my backpack and skate board and left.

I skated to the park listening to music enjoying the moment.

I got to the park and no one was there so I just sat on the swings and just felt the breeze hit me. It felt good untill someone tapped me and the shoulder.

"Are Your Devon?" the guy asked. Must be Colby.

"I don't know am I, or am I her best friend?" I giggled "I'm her best friend she told me about you. She told me if you didn't know who I was that you wouldn't come."

He nodded with a laugh "yeah she's right. Do you even know my name?" I nodded yes.

"Colby right. Look I'm not trying to be talkative right now do you have the stuff or not? Hey let's exchange numbers though" He nodded and pulled it out along with his phone.

He set his phone down next to mine while trying to grab something else out of his pocket.

I took the stuff from him and payed him and grabbed my phone. "Alright bye it was nice doing business with Ya" I hopped on my skate board "bye beyatch" and I left.

Holy shit he was cute. Eww what am I thinking. He probably has a girlfriend anyways. Plus it's not like I'ma meet him agian and I don't care because I like jc. JC is really crazy and fun plus he knows me more than anyone in this world.

I got home and saw Devon and her boyfriend Corey on the couch watching a movie

"Uh dev here" I handed her a blunt wrap and she mad a blunt. "JC is coming over. Corey can you just please like get along with him?" I asked and he nodded

"Fine I have Colby heading over here anyways with YOUR phone" my phone I looked at him confused.

"What do you mean my ph-" I grabbed the phone out of my little back pack "holy shit I have Colby's phone" I put my hands in my face.

"How did you manage to get his phone?" Devon asked

"must have been when I set my down phone. I was in a rush to get home I guess" I shrugged.

Ding ding we heard the door ring. I went to the door to seeing Colby there. I was so embarrassed "sorry about the phone situation I just found out like 3 minutes ago from Corey and I haven't looked at my well your phone since I left the park so yeah sorry" I said talking really fast

"hey look it's ok" he said while grabbing his phone. He handed me mine. We walked to the living room and sat down and watched tv. Ding ding the door bell rang but it was JC and he just walked in.

"KAYLA!!!!" JC said while picking me up and spinning me around. I laughed and giggled

"JC! PUT ME DOWNNNNNN" i demanded. My phone started to buzz and I was getting a call. I awnsered it then hung up a few minutes later. My face was bright red I could tell but I was so happy "YOU ALREADY KNEW!!!!!" I yelled while giving him a hug

"yup now are you going to play it?" I nodded

"ok before I play this remember the music video I said I was going to be in this week it just came out" I said trying to be really calm.

"THATS AMAZING" Devon squealed

"you make music videos?" Colby said

"well kinda im an actor for them" he nodded. I could feel that he was still looking at my body in and down when I looked away

"hey what about tara?" Corey asked

"welp I can't help that she ain't here to see this one. I really want to show you guys it now so shut up and watch it" I said while playing it

After the video

Everyone looked shocked even Colby "hello anyone"

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