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Kayla's pov

"KAYLA WAKE THE HELL UP" I wake up to hearing someone screaming on the other side of the door. I roll over and I realize I'm in colbys arms still from last night.

Ohmygodohmygodohmygod I'm in his arms from last night crap. "Colby wake up now" I say as I shake him awake and see him start to yawn while waking up. "Colby you need to-" I get cut off by my door being sung open.

Me and Colby both jumped "what the hell is going on" JC said as me and Colby get off my bed.

"Calm down JC it's not what it looks like" I say in a calm voice. I can tell JC is angry but he has no right to be though.

"Calm down. How the hell can I be calm if my damn Best friend was sleeping with someone who she hated a day ago and not to mention how much you promised you would wait for me! So tell me HOW THE HELL CAN I BE CALM!" did I forget to tell you he admitted that he had feelings for me too. I just don't feel those feelings anymore.

"JC let's talk somewhere else please and calm down seriously please" I point at Colby to stay and I drag JC out of my room before he killed one of us.

"Me and Colby talked last night ok we're both fine and cool. Ok. We did nothing last night but whach a movie ok. We both fell asleep last night ok I'm sorry if that upsets you but you just have to deal with it. Were not a couple and I don't have feelings for you like that anymore I'm sorry. And no don't go screaming at Colby because it has nothing to do with him. Your still going to be my best friend no matter what I just don't feel what I feel anymore. I'm sorry" I give him a quick hug and leave back to my room.

"Is he ok?" colby asked while I walk in. I nodded and sat next to him.

"Colby can I ask you something?" I say as he nodded's his head yes. "Have you ever loved anyone and then next thing you know something makes you not love them in that way" I say

"Sadly yeah. It hurt me that it hurt the girl I loved for ever but she got over it and I'm glad now she has someone else in her life and she's happy. If I was with her I don't think she would be happy" he says.

I give him a sideways look "what do you mean. Your a nice and amazing guy. any girl would love to have you" I say. I look at him and we made straight eye contact.

We both lean closer to each and we were about to kiss but my door swings open. What the hell is up with people walking in my room without nocking. "Kayla everyone is here for your announcement" Tara says and looks over to Colby then back to me then back to colby. "Uh k?" She says while pointing at Colby.

"I'll be down there in a minute" I say as she shuts the door.

"What announcement?" He asks

"Well you see I'm going away for a bit. Now look it's only to get my life together" I sigh "I'm trying to get clean. I'm done running and I want persuade my dreams of being an actor for people's videos" i say and then sigh. "well where are you going at least?" he asked "my dads" i say as i bary my head into my hands.

"hey look im not ashamed of that. ill miss you yes but dont be ok" he says while i look up at him. it was silent for a moment. i cant keep it in anymore.

i kissed him. i grab the sides of his face and pull him to me softly and kiss him. and he kissd back. a minut has passed and we pull away from each other. "im osrry i didnt know what came to me" i say as i feel my cheeks getting hot. "its ok. i kissed back too" he says. "i think i should go down there now before i have someone bust my door open agian" i say as he nods.

We head downstairs and I tell them all what I was going to do. The Corey stands up "hey everyone um I don't know how to say this but I'm getting clean too. Well I've been clean" he says. I look at dev and she's just staring "Corey how long?" I hear dev ask "5 months" she gets up and hugs him. "Babe can I get clean with you too please?" she asks and he nodded yes and them 2 kiss.

"Wait I'm sorry to bring this up when it's clearly that dev and Corey are having something right now but when are you leaving and how long Kayla?" Griffin asks. "I'm leaving Tomorrow and ima be gone for a few months. Ill be back though I promise" I say.

"Ya know what we should all do? He should all get clean" Griffin says and everyone surprisingly agreed.

The next day later

"Ya know I'm glad your dad moved to cali it would have sucked if you had to go back to Florida" dev says "yea I'll miss you" I say.

I say goodbye to everyone except for colby. "So we finally get along and ya leave me" he says and I chuckle a little "hey I'll ft every moment I get ok" I say as he nodded and gives me a hug.

This will be good for me. I know it will

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