Chapter 7: Do It Like The Zombies Do

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Delilah's P.O.V.

After school was finally over, I decided to go to Zombietown for a bit. Also, I had to pick out my dress for the Prawn and I went to the store that was doing that.

I walked through the door and saw some girls already here for their dresses and stuff. I walked until I got to where I needed and looked through the dresses.

That was until a particular dress caught my eye. It was beautiful because it was a stormy green/gray color and it was floor-length with designs on the top of it. I took it from the hanger and went to one of the changing rooms.

I changed out of my outfit and put the dress on. Looking in the mirror, I smiled at the fit. It was perfect and just the right one. However, I would add my own twist to it soon.

I noticed a piece of my white hair sticking out and gasped, going to cover it up until I felt something inside me telling me not to. I didn't notice my hand going to the base of my wig and pull it off until my radiant, white hair came down.

I touched the strand of my hair and smiled. This was who I was, but for so long, I had to hide who I was because I would get beaten for having it out.

I quickly put my wig back on. Once I made sure it was good, I changed out of the dress and back to my clothes, I paid for the dress. Next, I left the small shop and found the werewolves at a table. I smiled as I saw my mates there.

I saw Wyatt's head perk up and he turned around, his eyes lighting up as he saw me. He got Willa and Wynter's attention. They all turned their attention to me and I could see the love and admiration in their eyes. He walked up to me and kissed my cheek, making me giggle and blush.

"Hey, babe." he greeted. He looked at my bag and curiosity filled his face. "What's that?"

"My dress for Prawn in a couple days." I replied.

His eyebrowd furrowed. "What's Prawn?"

I laughed. "It's like prom, but Seabrook themed. It's where people go and have fun. We dance and couples can go as well."

He nodded before holding my hand.

"What brings you here?" I asked. "We're trying to find out where the moonstone is with these ridiculous history books." he replied.

"Let me guess, they talk about werewolves being bloodthirsty, murderous, man-killing beasts?" I asked.

He nodded with a whine. I placed a hand on my mate's shoulder. "Well, guess what? They're wrong. I trust you guys completely."

Wyatt smiled before placing his arm around my waist. "I appreciate that. Thanks for being gracious about us."

"Can I join you guys?" I asked. "You don't have to ask."

He led me to where the rest were and my female mates looked at me with smiles. I kissed their cheeks before Wyatt pulled me into his lap.

"Useless! None of these history books say where the moonstone is hidden." Willa said, slamming a book shut. I lay my head on Wyatt's shoulder.

At the corner of my eye, I saw Zed and Eliza walk up to us. He began embarrassing himself big time and I felt awkward.

I also noticed him glaring at Wyatt when his hand went around my waist and lay on my stomach. I was so deep in thought as to why Zed was glaring at my mates for being with me. It was then I saw Willa stand up.

"We're nothing like you zombies." she told them.

"You sort of are. Your necklace is powered, right? Kind of like an organic Z-band?" Eliza asked.

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