Weekend Trip {Tanaka Ryuunosuke}

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A cool, refreshing breeze spilled over your body as you watched chopsticks fly madly nearby while the boys next to you demolished the array of snacks decorating the table. The pleasant smell of fresh food permeated the ocean-scented air, and the familiar sounds of excited chatter, seabirds, and the waves crashing brought you a warm sense of comfort. Your traveling buddies were amped up and easily excitable--for the most part--but you felt at peace for a moment due to the location of your chosen weekend trip spot despite the chaos surrounding you.

It was the summer before your third year of high school, and, after having Nishinoya and Tanaka show up at your house practically everyday, bored out of their minds and looking for something exciting to do, you'd suggested that you all go away for the weekend. So, in their efforts to make the trip into as big of a party as possible, they'd invited the underclassmen from the team, including Yachi, as well as Tanaka's friend from Nekoma, Yamamoto. After hearing that a familiar Nekoma boy was joining the group, Hinata, being a social butterfly, had also convinced Kenma and Lev to come along as well. Once you'd all reached a consensus on going to the coast, everyone had pitched in to pay for train rides and your stay at a local inn.

So, now, you found yourself perched at the edge of a bench with Tsukki and Yachi, the latter of the two watching the scene of the feast with a mixture of fear and curiosity. The chopsticks in Yachi's hand trembled, along with her wide, brown eyes. Normally, in a situation like this one, you'd be in the thick of it all, battling with the boys for food; but, thankfully, you didn't have to worry about starving since you had a reliable ally at your side.

Tanaka dove into the mix and retrieved takoyaki that he then dropped onto the plate in front of you. "What else do you want?" he asked, his fists clenched and a look of determination on his face.

Your (e/c) eyes scanned the spread of food before coming to rest on a mountain of shaved ice that Lev was hogging. "Could you grab that shaved ice from Lev for me?" you requested sweetly and pointed towards the frozen dessert.

"I'm on it!" He turned to Yamamoto, who was seated beside the silver-haired giant, and shouted, "Tora! To your right!"

Understanding the signal he'd been given by his friend, he swiped the bowl of shaved ice from a surprised Lev before sliding it across the table towards Tanaka. "Hey!" Lev complained when he saw the dessert being handed to you so you could dig in.

"You were keeping it all to yourself!" you argued, fetching three spoons and shoving them into the ice. He pouted, but his disappointment was only momentary, since it wasn't long before he became distracted by Hinata trying to steal a rice ball out of his stockpile. "Thanks, Ryu," you told him with an appreciative smile that he returned before focusing his attention in the opposite direction to hide the pink you saw on his cheeks. Shoving the large dessert into the center of the table between yourself, Yachi, and Tsukki, you began eating and they soon followed suit.

"Who ordered these flavors?" Tsukki groaned, his face contorting in dissatisfaction when he placed one of the spoons in his mouth.

You shrugged and responded, "I don't know, but beggars can't be choosers, Tsukki."


After everyone had stuffed themselves with food, you all opted to find an ideal spot on the beach where you could set up your base. Your feet were quickly burning on the hot sand, making you skip around wildly to avoid prolonged contact. Noticing your struggle, Tanaka walked in front of you and bent over slightly. "I'll carry you!" he offered, flashing a bright smile over his shoulder. Without any hesitation, you hopped onto his back, draping your arms around his surprisingly muscular body as he placed his hands under your thighs.

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