Emotional Support {Bokuto Koutarou}

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No matter the time or place and whether he was winning or losing, you were always somewhere around the gym to assuage your temperamental boyfriend, Bokuto, with your ceaseless emotional support. Not only were you his girlfriend, but you were practically his personal cheerleader and an honorary member of the Fukuroudani boys' volleyball team, since you were wherever they were. In the rare event that you weren't able to travel with them to their games or show up to their practices, your presence was sorely missed by the entire team, but especially by Bokuto. Without you around, his emo mode was a force to be reckoned with and a great challenge for his setter and handler, Akaashi, to tame despite that being his usual responsibility.

Whenever you missed practice or a game, Bokuto would instantly rush to your house to pound on your door. After being greeted by your mother and taking a moment to bow profusely to her and honor her for raising such a wonderful daughter, he would slide his shoes off and sprint to wherever she told him you were in the house. Upon finding you, he would instantly scoop you up in his arms and and describe the game you'd missed in excruciating detail, using plenty of onomatopoeias to imitate the sounds of him hitting the ball. He would do this until Akaashi eventually caught up to him and arrived at the scene to join the two of you for your regular, after school study sessions.

Sometimes, at Bokuto's tournaments, especially, it was easy for you to get distracted doing something else, like figuring out which t-shirt to buy for him, or chatting to friends of yours from other schools. If Fukuroudani was about to start a game and Akaashi didn't notice you up in the stands, front and center, he would pull out his phone and shoot you a text to gently remind you that they were going to play soon. Usually, Bokuto was doing the exact same thing, so your phone would buzz once from Akaashi's message and about three to five times from Bokuto's.


Heads up: we're starting soon on court 1

owl baby <3






After receiving a barrage of texts from your boyfriend, you would depart from whichever conversation you had been engaged in previously to rush to the stands and cheer on him and his team. Scanning the crowds during his warm ups to see you near the railing, jumping up and down made him happier than anything else. Hearing you call his name so loudly it echoed through the gym kept him playing his hardest to impress you so he could hear more compliments pour out of your mouth. Once long tournament days were over, he wasn't the only one with a strained voice from yelling.

While you loved giving Bokuto every ounce of emotional support you had to offer him, you couldn't deny that you were physically there for him more often than he was for you. Since he had volleyball practice and games a lot of the time, you could understand that he was preoccupied, but you wished that he paid a bit more attention to you and planned little surprises for you the same way you did for him. Bokuto was excellent at showering you with praise, but it was usually over text or phone call rather than in person, and you missed his presence in those moments when you needed a shoulder to lean on or someone to celebrate with.

One day at school, you were particularly stressed as you flipped manically through the pages of your textbook. You were trying to cram in studying every day during lunch to prepare for a huge test you had at the end of the week for a class you were almost failing. Bokuto sat at the desk adjacent to yours and played games on his phone while his chopsticks delivered food into his mouth every two seconds. His actions didn't bother you, since you'd kindly asked that he either keep to himself or help quiz you while you studied, but you somewhat wished that he had offered to jump in and help you instead of opt for the first choice you'd given him.

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