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She lay silently in my arms; asleep, unaware of all the dangers the world had waiting for her. Her dark hair curled at the top of her head, and I wanted nothing more than for her to open those familiar grey blue eyes and smile up at me, reminding me that there is some good in this world. 

I waited outside the apartment for less than five minutes before he came rushing out to me. I looked up at him, trying not to look as frightened as I felt. He gave me a hard look. 

“You have to get out of here” He spoke in a low voice, so different from all those years we spent together as best friends and lovers. 

“I don’t want to hide. I don’t want to leave you and the others” I pursed my lips, holding the baby close to my chest to keep her from waking up. His face softened  as he watched me pull her close. He looked at her, sadness filling his eyes. He looked to the ground. 

“Please Willow. You have to protect your daughter.” he sighed, knowing those words would hurt me. My daughter. All by myself. “You have the Montgomery man, that muggle. You don’t need me” 

“His name is David” I sighed, my eyes beginning to water as my throat tightened. “But I don’t want him Sirius, I want you.” He paused, searching for the right words to say. 

“I’m sorry, you have to be there for Faye. Think of her well being” He looked at me with sadness in his eyes. Those beautiful grey blue eyes. 

“I love you” I sniffled, reaching up my left hand and pressing it against his cheek. He wrapped his hand around mine and leaned into my touch. 

“I love you too… so much” He sighed before pulling away. “You have to leave now. You can’t come back” He spoke softly. His eyes water slightly but I could tell he was holding the tears back. When he spoke those words I felt my heart shatter in my chest. 

“I will find you again Sirius. I promise” I sniffled, backing away and onto the sidewalk. He nodded. 

“I know, and I’ll find you as well. I’ll always find you. Both of you” He smiled down at Faye in my arms. I sniffled, took one last look at him, and turned away, walking down the street from which I came, all the way to the nearest phone booth where I could call a muggle taxi. The baby stirred in my arms and her eyes slowly opened, her blue eyes staring up at me. 

I woke with a start, sitting up in my bedroom at home. I rubbed my eyes, moving my blonde hair out of my face, wondering what on earth that dream was about. It slowly began fading from my memory, as did all of my strange dreams that have been occurring recently. Sirius was there I believe, and there was a baby? It’s all so fuzzy now. I really hope I didn’t dream about Sirius and I… I can’t even think about it. 

I shrugged it off, choosing to just forget about it. It was just a silly dream after all. I stretched slightly and looked towards my window. Light leaked through the curtains and flooded the room. I smiled, quickly getting up and retrieving my trunk from under the bed. It was time to start packing. I’ll be leaving for my seventh year at Hogwarts tomorrow, and I couldn’t wait to see my friends. One of which still lingered on my mind from last night’s dream. The boy with the blue-grey eyes. 

Finding You || Sirius Black (Book Three)Where stories live. Discover now