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Well, Grace was able to get most of the paint out, besides some in her hair

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Well, Grace was able to get most of the paint out, besides some in her hair. Which, explains what's going down right now. Grace's long hair had received the punishment of losing around 7 inches and being presented to everyone all over the white tile bathroom. Grace was heavily depressed over the fact that she lost so much hair. But, she was not minding the way it looked once Y/n finished. All she knew was she was ready to annihilate the man who was currently covered head to toe with pillows. He was ready for "World War Grace."

 Y/n watched as Grace threw on her clothes once again and make her way to the kitchen fueled with violence and vengeance. Y/n simply giggled and made her way out towards the kitchen as well but stopped at where Taehyung was sitting down and staring at his handiwork. Y/n plopped down next to him and kept her gazes between Taehyung's drawings, and Grace rummaging through different drawers trying to find the perfect substitute for a sword forged from the finest metals in the land.

"What is she doing?" Taehyung asked, transfixing his gaze on Grace as well as she was smiling evilly and holding up a pair of tongs, snapping them open and shut. And the tie-dye spatula that says "Be Kind To Others."

"She's going to kill Namjoon." Y/n simply replied, watching Taehyung's reaction turn to blank to even more blank. If that was even possible.

"Shouldn't we do something about that?" He lowered his gaze to the girl he was programmed to fall in love with.
"Well, let's see how this all plays out first." Y/n laughed.

Grace basically flowed down the hallway that contained the scared shitless Namjoon. Grace opened the door with almost no effort, and Namjoon mentally beat himself up for forgetting to lock and put a dresser in front of his side of the door.

"Let's go bitch! When I'm done with you Gordon Ramsey is gonna mistake you for raw ground beef!" Grace stifled a laugh after obviously seeing the get-up Namjoon was bundled up in. Girly screams from Namjoon and high pitched laughter and incoherent rambling came from Grace. Y/n got up once she heard and loud slap, followed by silence.

She waved at Taehyung, indicating for him to follow her which took Taehyung a good two minutes to figure out that that's what she meant. He followed and saw before him a chaotic mess; Grace was on the floor silently laughing with only the spatula in her hand and tears running down her face. As Namjoon had the tongs stuck to the stuffed duck on top of his head and was blindingly doing karate moves to ward off Grace as if his life depended on it.

Y/n started laughing harder as the seconds passed of Namjoon still trying to fight her and Grace yelling at him through laughs to "stop" and "that he looked dumb." Taehyung took the whole scene in before chuckling softly along with the rest of them. He could feel how happy they were with one another, even if he doesn't have a real heart. Y/n's laugh subsided as she helped Grace up off the floor. Grace walked over to Namjoon and took the tongs off the duck and then hit the top of his head with the spatula roughly.

"Grace," Y/n trailed off. "You're gonna give him a mini concussion."

"That's what he gets for ruining my hair. And my door, don't think I haven't forgotten about that." Grace sighed heavily and hit Namjoon harshly with the spatula again. "Now I'm gonna have to redo a lot and it won't be finished." Grace pouted and made her way out of the room to see the damage dealt to the door.

"Grace wait Tae fixed-" Y/n started to call after her but Grace got there faster then her sentence could end. Grace stared at the door, looking at how everything that got paint on was returned perfectly to what it was before. And then Grace noticed the few triangles Taehyung did himself.

"You taught him to paint Namjoon?" Grace said, tracing her fingers on his drawings and not looking away from them.

"Yeah, I added that in last minute. I wasn't sure if it would have worked but I guessed it did." Namjoon replied and walked over to join Grace, now finally having no more pillows stuck on him. Grace looked over at the bot and then to Y/n, and then back at Namjoon and slung her arm around his shoulders.

"You did well with him. I think they will be a great match. I'm extremely proud of you." Grace smiled sincerely at Namjoon.

Namjoon nodded. "Well, yes I'm very proud as well. Thank you." He looked over at the clock. "Already so late? Well, Grace you wanna crash at my place and stay up all night working on your robot?"

Grace turned and faced the boy fully. "You're not joking? You're really gonna build me one!" Her eyes light up like a child on Christmas while saying it. Namjoon nodded, "of course! But, I'm going to need your help in designing him so come on." He dragged her to the door as she scrambled to put on her shoes and grab her phone and keys.
"I'll get everything tomorrow don't worry!" Grace shouted before the door shut, leaving only the two "lovebirds."

Y/n stood there blinking, trying to process what was going to happen next until Taehyung broke her train of thought.
"How do you like my paintings?" He smiled cutely, showing off a boxy smile Y/n immediately found adorable.
"I think they are beautiful sweetie." Y/n sighed and rubbed her eyes.

"Are you tired?" The robot inquired, Y/n nodded slowly back.

"Can you like, actually sleep, or are you awake until your battery dies or something." Y/n yawned as she looked over at Taehyung who was staring at her.

"I actually can charge myself by manually sleeping as normal humans do. But I do shut down if I don't have enough fuel -or as you would call it food- to keep me going." Taehyung smiled again and looked deeply into Y/n's eyes.

Y/n blushed a little and walked quickly over to the light switch and turned all the remaining light off, trying to hide the blush. "Let's go." Was all she said before she took his hand that was surprisingly soft to her and led him to her bedroom to get ready for bed.


So, I finally posted a semi longer chapter instead of cutting it short as I have lately. Maybe writing stories at 3 am and listening to indie and lofi music is the best time to write for me..

Regardless of the point, I hope you all enjoyed this 

Love ya- Author~

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