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"Hello Jay, how are you doing?", Adam asks when he sees Jay coming upstairs to the unit. "Hi Adam, I'm great", he says and puts on a fake smile. He's a bit late. He sees Hailey sitting at her desk. He breaths deeply and goes do his desk. "Hey", he says nervously. Hailey looks up. "Hi", she quickly says being just as nervous. The conversation ends with that. Jay sits down and gets onto paper work just like Hailey. They both shortly look at each other when the other one doesn't see it.
Voight enters the room and starts talking about a new case. It's about drug dealers. "jay and Hailey, I need you to look at the camera footage. Maybe we'll find clues", Voight says. "On it, Sarge", Jay says and goes into the surveillance room. Hailey follows him.

Time goes by and they still haven't found anything. Both of them concentrate on the flat so they don't have to talk. "Oh, go back real quick", Hailey suddenly says. Jay does so and really. There was a handing over. "Zoom in", Hailey says and there really was the face of the dealer. Jay puts it into the face recognition program. His name is John Erman. His address also shows up. "I'd say we have a clue", Jay says smiling at Hailey. She just nods and Jay gets serious again.
They get the footage to Voight. "Okay, good job. I need you two to bring this guy here", he says. "Copy that", Hailey says and she and Jay gab their coats and get out.

The ride is silent. Uncomfortably silent. Jay and Hailey both don't know how to act on what happened yesterday. Though they agreed that they won't act on their feelings it's weird to know that they have the same feelings for each other. They love each other.
"Here we are", Jay says after a ride that felt like hours long. They get out of the car and Jay knocks on the door. No respond. "Chicago P.D.! Open up", Jay yells. Still no respond. "Maybe he isn't home", Hailey says. "Whatever. Let's get inside", Jay says and kicks in the door. Jay stays downstairs while Hailey makes her way upstairs. All clear at Jay's position. He goes upstairs to see if Hailey found something but what he finds shocks him. John Erman holds Hailey on her neck and presses a gun against her head. "Hey!", Erman yells when he sees Jay. "Let her go!", Jay yells back and points his gun at him. "I wouldn't do that when I was you. This girl will go down and I'm sure you don't want that to happen", Erman says holding Hailey tighter. "Put you gun down, bro", he then says. Jay hesitates but eventually does what Erman demands. He puts his gun on the floor and pushes in to the side. "Good boy. You can have your girl back if you let me go now". Jay steps to the side and makes space for Erman to leave. Erman lets go of Hailey and points the gun alternately on Jay and Hailey until he rushes outside. "Are you okay?", Jay asks concerned and approaches Hailey. "I'm fine just go after him alredy", she says and runs outside but Erman seams to be gone. "Wow, great! Now he's gone. Thanks!", she says to Jay. "You're blaming me now? I'm sorry that I saved you!", Jay says angrily. "You should've just gone after him instead of checking in on me!", Hailey says back being equally angry. "Me? You shouldn't even have let him catching you!", jay yells. "Okay this is enough. Just drive us back to the unit", Hailey says annoyed. They get in the car and drive back.

After they arrive, they head to Voight's office. "He got away?", Voight asks madly. "We're sorry", Jay replies. "We should've acted differently", Hailey says. Voight looks at Jay, at Hailey and back to Jay. "Whatever this is standing between you two, figure it out. It's effecting your work. If you can't figure it out, I'll have to draw consequences. Meaning that I'll split up your partnership and I'm sure you want it as little as me", he then says. Jay and Hailey look at each other. "Sorry, Sarge. We'll figure it out", Hailey says looking at the floor. "Good. Now get out of here", Voight says.

Hailey and Jay go to their desks. "So...", Jay starts. "Should we figure it out then?". Hailey looks up from her work. "Well, you know, I have a lot of paper work to do. Why don't we just figure it out tomorrow". "If you say so...", Jay says and also gets on his paper work.
After two hours their shift ends and Hailey gets up to go home "Vanessa, are you ready?", she asks. "Yup, I'm coming!", Vanessa says grabbing her stuff and leaves with Hailey. Jay looks after them looking sad. After finishing the paper work he also gets up, grabs his stuff and makes is way to his car to get home.

When Hailey and Vanessa arrive at their house, Hailey lays down on the couch and exhales. "Are you okay?", Vanessa asks concerned. "I'm fine. I'm just exhausted you know", Hailey responds. "I know you, Hailey. That's not the reason why you are like this", Vanessa says sitting down next to Hailey. "It's just... Jay and I, we had a little fight because we let a suspect get away. Now Voight threatens to split our partnership up", Hailey says. "So, why don't you talk things out?". "It's not that easy. Something happened last night". Vanessa looks at Hailey with a stunned face. "What do you mean, something happened?", she asks with big eyes. "No, no, no! It's not what you think, we didn't do anything! He said that... he said that he loves me", Hailey says looking at the floor. "But that's great, isn't it?", Vanessa asks. "No, it's not. It's really bad. We can't be together. We've both been through something like this and it didn't end well but now it's very weird between us". "But you're partners first, right? And you are really good partners. You can't just give that up. You need to find a way to work with that", Vanessa says. Hailey sits up. "You're right. Do you think I should go see him?", she asks insecure. "If that's what you want to do. Go for it", Vanessa answers. "Okay. It won't take long", Hailey says and gets up. She grabs her coat and puts her shoes on. "Take your time!", Vanessa calls after her.

Jay sits on his couch drinking a beer. He feels stupid for having told Hailey about his feelings. He should've known something like this was about to happen. He grabs his phone and goes onto his contacts. He selects Hailey and hesitates if he should call her. He puts his phone next to him. He already told her, he wats to make things good. It would only be awkward. He looks up confused when it rings at his door. He gets up and goes to the front door. When he opens it he's shocked. "Hailey?", he says confused. "Hey, I thought we should watch the second Lord of the Rings movie", she says smiling. Jay exhales relieved. "Maybe we should do that", he says smiling back and letting her in. "I'd be down for some deep dish", she says entering the house. "Copy that", Jay says taking his phone to call Tolly's. "You can put the disc in. It's in that shelf", he says pointing at the shelf where his Tolkien stuff is while he tips in the number.

"That battle was epic!", Hailey says after the film is over. "Indeed", Jay says laughing. "I'm really not liking this Gollum. He's so scary", Hailey says disgusted. "But he's legendary!", Jay confronts. "True", Hailey admits. "Okay, we watched the film and ate a pizza. Now tell me, what you actually came here for", Jay says turning to Hailey. "I remembered that our partnership is something special. A silly argument can't break that. And whatever happens to us in our personal life shouldn't have an effect on that. I think we acted really childish on what happened yesterday. We should act like adults and handle our feelings the right way", she says also turning to Jay. "I totally agree with you on that", he says building up eye contact with Hailey. "Good", she says concentrating on his perfect eyes. "Great", he then says getting closer to her. "Perfect", she whispers leaning forward and closing the space between them. It's a sweet kiss. "We shouldn't do this", Hailey says "That's right", Jay says but they don't pull away. They are sitting there, forehead to forehead. "We can forget about this tomorrow", Jay suggests. "Good idea", Hailey replies. They lock lips again. This time it's way more passionate.

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