Where is she?

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Days go by. Jay and Hailey don't talk about that night but they definitely thing about it a lot. They work great as partners again and love to joke around. It feels like nothing changed after Hailey came back from New York. One morning Jay enters the district but recognizes that Hailey isn't sitting at her desk. He looks around but can't find her. "Hey Vanessa, do you know where Hailey is?", he asks going to Vanessa's desk. "I don't know. I mean she left last night because her mum contacted her and wanted to see her but I didn't see her since. Maybe she stayed with her mum and is just a little late", she says. "I hope you're right", Jay says going to his desk and taking his phone to call Hailey but no one answers. Through the day he tries a few more times but still only the mailbox. "Halstead, can you tell me where Upton is?", Voight asks questioning. "I don't know Sarge. Rojas said she went seeing her mum last night and she didn't come back. She doesn't answer my calls. I'm getting a little worried, you know there are problems in her family", Jay responds. "Why don't you go check at her parents house. Figure out their address and go. We don't have much to do today anyway and even if, you seem way too distracted", Voight says patting Jay's shoulder. "Thant you, Sarge", Jay says.
It doesn't take long to find out the address of Hailey's parents. Jay grabs his jacket and makes his way to the house.

Jay knocks at the door and hides his badge in his jacket. No one answers. He tries again. "Hello? Mrs. Upton, Mr. Upton, Hailey?", he yells. Still no answer. When he tries to open the door, he realizes that it's not locked. He enters. "Hello? Anyone?", no answer. He looks around. It looks like some sort of fight happened here. Broken glasses, stuff laying on the floor. Jay grabs his gun. "Hello? Chicago P.D.!", he yells. He checks the house. No one is there. When he's back in the living room he recognizes a letter. It's torn open. The letters are cut out of newspapers. Jay reads it without touching it. "GOT UR FAM! GIVE ME WHAT U OWE AND U GET THEM BACK. U KNOW WHERE TO FIND ME! – BIG WOLF". "5021 George. There was a kidnapping at 1139 North, Keystone Ave! I need evidence protection here!", Jay shouts into his radio. He also calls Intelligence in.

"So, what do you think about this, Jay", Voight asks. "I'm pretty positive that this Big Wolf had something to do with Mr. Upton. Maybe he sold him drugs but I actually only know that he's drinking. Hailey didn't mention anything about other drugs. So, whatever he owes Big Wolf, he didn't do it in time and know he probably uses Hailey and Mrs. Upton as pressure", Jay says. "Also, Mr. Upton has already read it. That means he probably is on his way to Big Wolf". "When were ready with analysing the fingerprints we'll have a lead. This is about one of our own. Let's find Hailey!", Voight says and turns back to Jay who seems to be very worried. "Hey boy, she'll be fine. He can't kill them. Otherwise he wouldn't have anything to put pressure on Mr. Upton". "I know", Jay says exhaling.

Back at the unit, Voight comes in with news. "Okay, they found fingerprints of two people. Mr. Upton and a guy called Simon Miller. He's the head of a gang called "The Tribe". They are active in the neighbourhood where Mrs. and Mr. Upton live. They are dealing with drugs. We need to go back to the neighbourhood to find out where the headquarter is. Jay, I need you to go undercover on this one". "Copy that Sarge", Jay says. "I need you to settle a deal", Voight says.

Jay gets out of his car. Walking down the street, he recognizes some guys exchanging something. One thing seems to be some money. After one guy leaves, Jay goes over to the guy who took the money. "Hey dude, do you have a minute?", Jay asks coming over. "What do you want?", the guy wants to know. "Are you a member of The Tribe?", Jay asks on, "Why do you ask?", the guy says. "Okay, tell Big Wolf that I have a good deal to propose. He should call me, when he receives it", Jay says giving the guy a piece of paper with his undercover number. "I'm waiting", he then says going back to his car. "Do you think it will work?", Kim asks when Jay reaches the car. "I don't know, I just really hope so".

Hailey slowly opens her eyes. It takes some time for her to see everything clear. She looks around. She is in a small room. Maybe a side room in a warehouse. She looks next to her and finds her mum. "Mum! Hey, wake up!", she says quietly and pushes her a little bit. Mrs. Upton opens her eyes. "Hailey, sweetheart. Where are we?", she asks dazed. "I don't know. In a warehouse or so", Hailey answers. "Why are we tied up?", Mrs. Upton then asks. "Look mum, all I remember is that some guy showed up when we were home last night. He asked for dad but he wasn't home. I think he might have kidnapped us. Do you know anything? Was dad involved in anything?". "He had an accident a few months ago and got pills. He has been taking them for way too long. I think, he's getting them from somewhere else". "Do you know where he gets them from?", Hailey asks stressed. "You know, I don't want to make him angry. He'll turn aggressive again and I really can't deal with that anymore", Mrs. Upton says. "You know, that you don't have to stay". "I kinda look at it as my destiny", Mrs Upton answers. "Then change it. Change your destiny. You can do this", Hailey tries to convince her mum. "Let's not talk about it now. How do we get out of here", Mrs. Upton asks. Hailey looks around again. "Hm... first we should try to get rid of the restraints. Can you find something sharp to cut them?"

The unit is still waiting for the call from Simon Miller but he takes his time. When Jay tries to distract himself with his computer his undercover phone starts ringing. "Guys, I think, he's calling!", Jay shouts out. Jay answers the phone. "Ryan here", Jay says. "Hello, this is Big Wolf. A friend told me that you have an offer. I'd like to hear it". I'm interested in buying some stuff from you. I got a lot of money", Jay says.

It takes Jay some convincing power but eventually he manages to make a deal. "I need the handing over as soon as possible. I have many clients waiting for their stuff", Jay says. "I can't get something before tomorrow", Sion says. "My clients are very inpatient. If they don't get their stuff by tonight, I'll lose them", Jay says. "Well, that's not my problem", Big Wolf says. "Dude, I'm sure I can find others that would love to take my offer", Jay says calmly. "Alright, alright! Come over in two hours". "Sounds much better! where is the handing over?", Jay asks. "Come to the Warehouse in Keystone Ave 1140 north. I'll wait for you". "Alright! See you then", Jay says smiling and hangs up.

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