Novella seven

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I awoke on soft ground next to a fire.

At first I thought I was still on the burning ship.

Then I sat up and saw a small single tent across the campfire full of pots and other useful objects. Sat Infront of it was a man, but not Vidarr.

He was broader and more muscular, his hair was short and black with the odd hint of what looked like silver. His face was young and handsome and next to him was his armor reflecting the moon light.

I sighed.

I had dreamed of being a hero when I was younger, but recently I'd been a damsel who needed saving.

He was giving me an odd look, and I realized I was dressed like a pirate and the sea water had washed out the dye of my hair leaving it still brown in certain patches.

"Drink this." He said handing me a tin mug of water.

I smiled, but didn't reply, taking it from his hand.

Then he handed me something cool and green.

I looked down at it. It was my emerald necklace, still on its silver chain.

"Where did you get that?" I demanded.

"You had it with you when I found you on the beach." He replied.

I remembered how Vidarr had given me something before sending me over-deck in a barrel so I'd float. He had kept my necklace safe, and realising it meant alot to me he'd given it back.

I found myself wishing I was back on the boat, kissing Vidarr. Was he even alive now? There had been plenty of empty barrels, but had he managed to get himself in own and had it come to shore like mine must have.

"Did you see anyone else when you found me?" I asked urgently.

"There were alot of other pirates but they've been taken to hang. They thought you were dead so left you. But luckily I passed by later." He explained.

I knew I should have thanked him, or reassured him I wasn't a pirate. But I was too panicked and jumped to my feet.

Instantly I swayed and the knight ran over and caught me in his arms before I hit the ground.

As I looked up at him everything went hazy and for a moment I saw Vidarr's face and relaxed in his arms.

When I woke up later I was on the back of a horse along with the rolled up tent and bags of stuff. The knight was on the horse infront.

"Where are we going." I called.

He turned his head to look at me, "The nearest village, it isn't too far."

"Is that where the pirates are being hanged?" I asked.

"Probably." He replied shrugging his shoulders.

A plan was starting to form in my mind, I needed to get there before the pirates hanged and rescue Vidarr if he was still alive.

He had rescued me so I at least owed him that.

To be continued...

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