RoChu (Uke!Russia)

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It was very late in the night, Russia was in his balcony.

Thinking, I wonder how everyone is gonna look like when they're under my power, to himself.

He gets a call, Russia jumped at the sound of the phone ring. He went inside, and picked up the phone.

" Ni hao, It's me, China!" Russia's heart began beating in happiness.

" Yes..?" Russia asked.

"Can you come over, aru?" China asked.

"Sure..." Russia said happily.

"Ok, xiéxié!" China said and hung up.

Russia then looked for some normal clothes, like a red long sleeve shirt, some jeans and his lovely scarf.

Then he drove off to China's house.

~Time skip brought you by " His food is bland und his clothes are old."~

Russia knocked on the door, China opened just a slight bit of the door.

"Hi." Russia said.

China didn't respond but practically pulled him in.

"Oh, sorry, I was not paying attention.." China stated.

"It's ok, da.." Russia said.

Russia's heat beat went off limits looking at China's face. He felt heat rise up to cheeks.

"Are you blushing, aru?" China asked.

"Yes... I'm sorry, da..." Russia said honestly.

"It's ok.." China said.

China looked at Russia up and down. He then slightly blushed.

This akward atmosphere was so irritating.

"So, why did you ask me to come over?" Russia asked as he sat on the couch.

"Oh yeah, so we could drink, aru!!" China said as he went to the kitchen to get the beer cans.

"Wha- Why?!" Russia asked nervously.

"Because, whe don't hang out that much. So I thought, Why not?, aru!" China said blushing a bit.

Russia's heart wanted to burst out.

"O-ok..." Russia said blushing.

China handed a beer can to Russia. Russia took it, gladly.

They began drinking.

They drank and drank and drank..

~Time skip brought you by "Hold on, question. What are you going to be doing America?"~

Russia was dizzy, so was China.

"Oh, we're all ooout..." Said China drunkenly.

Russia fell from the couch to the floor where China was. China gasped weakly.

"I'm fineeeee..." Russia said with hiccups.

Russia took one of China's legs to pull himself closer to China.

China looked at him. Russia's scarf was all caught up in Russia's face.

China moved the scarf and saw Russia's cute drunk face, China blushed.

Russia looked at China and smiled.

China smiled back and kissed his head. Russia blushed.

Russia set his hands close to China's legs.

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