CanPru (With a little bit of PruCan)

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Today was a very sunny day. Canada really enjoyed days like this, especially spending them with Prussia, his lover. They always loved days like this. But today... today! Today is the day that Canada topped him! Prussia has always topped Canada, but today, it was gonna be great!

(( I'm sorry if you don't ship PruCan or CanPru, I just like it that way and there are not enough CanPru stuff. I feel really bad if you don't ship this :C It hurts my heart to see you be like: All this wait for nothing. I'm terribly sorry... *cries*))

~Skip brought you by: "Just one question, are whe-a going to have food after this? Dinner's got to be next. Even you guys got to-a eat. Is it time for us to eat?" - Italy, basically me~

Both men were sitting on the bedroom together. Prussia was playing video games and Canada was holding Kumajiro, watching Prussia play. He sets Kumajiro next to him, Kumajiro looked at... what was his name again..? Oh, yeah! Canada approach Prussia. Kumajiro ignored them and went to the kitchen.

"Prussia, listen to me..." Canada said firmly.

"Huh? Yeah? What?" Prussia asked. ((No shit, Sherlock))

Canada swooped the controller off his hands and hit pause. An akward moment of silence jumps in. Then Prussia says something.

"Ehhhhh... vhy'd jou do zhat, Birdie?" Prussia snickered.

Another moment of silence.

Canada's face went deep red. Prussia smirked.

"I want to... mnbmbfnnm..." Canada mumbled and trailed off.

"Vhat was zhat, Birdie? I-i can't hear jou..." Prussia leaned his head close to Canada.

Canada finally found the courage to say his sentence. Taking a deep breath...

"I want to top y-you..."

Prussia's eyes widen at the sudden context. Another awkward moment of silence.

"You want to... top... me?" Prussia blushed.

Canada nodded shyly, leaving the Prussian speechless. ((There are so many awkward silences I can't even)) Another awkward silence filled the room immediately. Prussia took Canada's chin with his hand putting his thumb on his Canadian bottom lip. ((Canada's lip is 100% Canadian ouo))

"Kesese~ Let's do it, zhen~"

Canada nodded shyly, putting his useless ((are they?)) glasses aside, slowly laying Prussia on the bed, eyes filled with lust. Prussia immediately knew what to do so he threw himself on the bed, spreading his legs and taking his clothes off. Canada couldn't do this, he felt so... he just couldn't see Prussia stripping in front of him, he'd die of overheat. Canada covered his face, slowly peeking at the Prussian who, by chance, glanced at Canada. Prussia's eyes widen and he started to worry.

"Hey, Birdie, are jou okay?"

"You're just too sexy!!!" Canada screamed.

Prussia's eyes widen, he'd never heard Canada be so loud before. Prussia smiled and took Canada's both hands and uncovered his face, seeing the most red tomato in the whole wide world! Prussia smirked as he threw himself back down and looked at Canada that was calming down again.

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