Saving Her

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"She wants to bring her dad back."  They both gasped. I know I can't say much because I'll expose my identity. "How do you know that Chat?" Ladybug questioned me.

"Ladybug I've spent a lot of time with her, and if you think about all the questions she asked-" I paused and thought it all over. "It makes sense."

The room was quite. "Who was Hawkmoth before? She wasn't lying when she said she knows them." I spoke up once more. "If they are no longer Hawkmoth does that matter?" Ladybug asked.

"It's still an important matter, but I don't believe they're a threat." Fu sighed. "However [Name] is. She knows a lot, too much." The atmosphere was thick and it had no intention to let up. "She won't akumatize anyone."

"Chat you're too gullible, how can you know for sure? If she wants to bring back her father now would be the time. My miraculous isn't broken." Ladybug then sighed. "I get it you guys have gotten close, but don't be blinded by a one sided love."

I didn't understand why she was saying that but I trust my girlfriend. "[Name] hasn't lied to us yet, despite all that happened, she hasn't lied." You could hear LB groan. "Though she has strayed us away from the truth."

"Ladybug so have we. She said not today, maybe some other time. Don't you think if she wanted our miraculous, that moment would've been the perfect opportunity?" By the time I finished I realized I was standing.

"Chatnoir sit down." I did as I was told. "You two know her in your everyday life, so beware of her. If you both need to show yourself to each other now then do it." My eyes widened. "Why?" Ladybug voiced cracked.

"I feel like someone can't be honest right now because they're holding back." Fu looked right at me. "If we want to catch her then we need to trust each other." Maybe a while ago I would die just to know who she was, but now.

"Okay." I said. I wanna save [Name] before it's too late. "Close your eyes." She demanded. "They're close M'Lady." I heard her feet scoot into the room I was in. "O-Open them."

I opened my eyes and smiled. Her face was completely red. "Marinette." She fell to her knees and laughed. I was confused. "So either way she had your heart. That's why you guys were so close."

"I'm sorry." I went to rub her back. "It's okay Adrien." She smiled. "Okay, now Adrien what do you have to say." I was a little nervous to be put on the spot like that.

"She wants to bring her father back but at the same time she's conflicted with other people I should say." "People?" They both spoke at the same time. "The original Hawkmoth. She said if she doesn't use the miraculous then he will."

I stopped to think. "I don't know who he is but it's not easy getting information from her about this stuff." "Then we have to break everything down." Fu said.

Confusion evident on Marinette and I faces. "Who is close to her that's a male? Who has lost someone important also?" I was trying to think but I didn't know who.

"Why would Hawkmoth tell [Name] about what the miraculous could do if she could just use them for her herself?" Ladybug thought to herself. Maybe he didn't know. There was a long pause. "It has to be someone with more power than her, someone who can destroy her in a blink." Fu continues.

Marinette then gasped but stayed quite. "What is it Marinette?" Master Fu asked eagerly. "Adrien's dad." I froze. "He's the only male that has that kind of power. And of course the mayor, but he hasn't lost anyone only your father has Adrien."

"It can't be, my father has been away with [Name's] mother for a few weeks now. Even before that the akuma attacks had been different." It wasn't him, I know that for a fact.

"Adrien we have to put him down as a suspect." Fu informed me. "Her driver Josh, he is close to her and they met when she moved here. There's a lot of mystery surrounding him but he is suspicious." He nods. "And someone named Luka."

"That should be good enough, Marinette come back on Thursday and Tikki will be okay." I transform into Chatnoir and offered Marinette a lift home.

"You both should be careful around [Name], no matter what she is dangerous." After Fu's warning we left.

"Isn't it strange we both had a crush on each other in the end." You could tell she was sad. "I'm glad it was you, I trust you a lot Marinette. And you are a really good friend to me."

'I told Chloe everything and now she's mad at me.' I stopped in my tracks. "What's wrong Adrien?" I put her down on her roof top. "She told Chloe something. I'm not sure what it was but today before I left [Name] said she told her everything and she was still upset."

Marinette eyes widened. "What could she know?" I shrugged. "You're closer to her Adrien, you gotta figure it out." I agreed and went home finally. "Plagg claws in." I handed him a piece of cheese and went upstairs.

"That's why you're here." I hear [Name's] voice so I put my ear up to the door. "We can be together forever." Who is she talking to?

She laughed. "No dad, this is hope." "Dad?" I whispered so she wouldn't hear. Is she okay? "Dad I love you so much." She began to laugh and cry at the same time.

"[Name]!?" I threw her door opened and Felix followed right behind. "Dad? Where did you go?" She was looking frantically around the room.

"Calm down." Felix was holding her tightly. "Who were you talking to?" His shaky voice questioned her.

Then out of nowhere she smiled. "Dad." She was looking at her bed then back at us. "No one is there." I spoke up. [Name] then sighed and threw her hands up. "You don't see what I'm seeing, I get that. Sanity is sinking."

I was confused on what she meant. "Ah, goodnight. I'm quite busy tomorrow." "[Name] what's gotten into you?" Felix asked. She jumped on her bed and muffled her face into the pillow.

"For the first time in a while I'm really happy."  "Have you been taking your medicine?" She frowned. "Of course Felix, I'm a responsible young girl."

She pointed to the empty bottle. "I actually finished it all today." He nods and takes the bottle. "I'll get more tomorrow." After that he left.

"Adrien I bet you're tired after today, you should go to sleep." I couldn't move or say anything. It was like my body was frozen with shock.  [Name] sighed. "What you want to sleep with me?"

"Yeah I do actually. I got a lot to discuss and I wanna do it before our sleepover with Chloe." It seemed like I threw her off, but then she looked behind her.

"Okay Golden Turd, come on." She patted the empty space on her bed and smirked. "No funny business either."

"I'm going to change first, then I'll be back." I rushed back out the room and knocked on Felix. "It's Adrien." He hurried and opened the door.

"Felix whats wrong with her?" He looked confused as well. "She was mumbling to herself for a while now. I heard her screaming then laughing then crying." He paused. "It seemed like she was talking to her dad, like he was there or something."

I stiffened. "She said her sanity was sinking. Does that mean something?" Felix eyes widened and he grabbed the medication bottle. "Have you seen her take these?" I shook my head no.

"They shouldn't had ran out yet. Her mother said one bottle will last three months." I ran my fingers through my hair. "So maybe she hasn't took any since you left."

He nods. "That would explain why she's seeing her father. Get some sleep, I'll ask her mother if there's another bottle."

"I'll be in her room tonight so I'll let you know if I figure out something." I left to go change and went back to [Name's] room.

"I'm back." I smiled at her. She's losing her mind because she's not taking her medicine. I don't know what they can do to her but-

"I'll do anything to save you [Name], because I love you." Her face was red. "Saving? I don't need that Adrien. I'm really happy right now."

She grabbed my face and kissed me, it was getting a little intense. I didn't mind. "No funny business." She smiled. No matter what happens I will always be in love with her.

Even if she drags me down with her.

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