Love 'N' Stuff [Original Slash] [05]

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As if I wasn’t horny enough already, we were sitting in the living room pre-gaming before going out and Benny whips some spliffs out of thin air. As in, where did Benny get weed? Who would sell it to him? I know drug dealers aren’t typically of the highest moral standard but surely they draw a line at dealing to pre-pubescent pre-teen girls.

 As soon as Benny walked into the living room and slapped the drugs on the table – a little unceremoniously – I saw Jack raise an eyebrow at him sceptically.

 ‘Dude I think it’s safe to say that we all already have a serious case of the cosmic horn. You really want us to get high as well?’

 ‘You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do,’ Benny snapped, rolling his eyes and grabbing a glass from the kitchen. Jack made an “I surrender” face and lit up anyway, taking a drag and passing it to me.

 ‘Try not to rape me tonight, won’t you,’ I said offhandedly, taking it from him.

 ‘I’d sooner rape Iggy Pop.’

 ‘He wouldn’t touch you with a ten foot pole and a bottle of bleach.’

 ‘Can we put the claws away please, ladies?’ Matt interrupted, looking a little pissed off, from beside me on our couch. Despite the fact that I was annoyed with him, and that the sight of his ass lately makes me need to take a cold shower, he still has a calming effect on me and I shut my mouth, leaning back against the couch cushions comfortably. Benny came back over and sat beside Jack as I passed the spliff to Matt.

Maybe he would get really horny and finally get laid tonight as well.

Matt’s one of those ambiguous gay kids. Like, you could never tell whether he would top or bottom; he could easily fall into either category. Not like the rest of us; Jack and I are clearly both tops, and Benny is the most obvious bottom I’ve ever seen.

God I bet Matt would be really tight...

Gah. No. Bad Freddie. No sexual fantasies about your best friend who is listed as your brother on Facebook. Bad.


I stood up to walk around the coffee table and hand the spliff to Benny, but instead of just giving it to him I grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him upright, then dragged him into the kitchen.

‘Jack will kick your ass if you rape me,’ he said mildly, taking the spliff from me anyway.

I rolled my eyes. ‘You’re not my type honey,’ I said sarcastically. ‘I just figured I’d wait til you were a little drunk and more talkative to ask you what’s been up with you lately. Are you sure you’re not being bullied again?’

Benny made a sceptical face. ‘I didn’t realise that was the sort of thing one could be unsure of.’

‘Benny,’ I said in a strangled voice. ‘Just tell me what’s up.’

‘Your penis,’ he snapped, before walking back out of the kitchen swiftly as I glanced down at my crotch on reflex, even though I knew I wasn’t hard. Not yet, anyway.

Five minutes of silently fuming later, I stomped back into the living room, chugged what was left of my drink, and grabbed my phone and wallet. ‘Let’s just fucking go already.’


You’re not my type honey.

You’re not my type.

You’re not my type.

You’re not my type.

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