Love 'N' Stuff [Original Slash] {16}

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I shoved Benny away roughly as soon as he forced his mouth onto mine and we both stood there glaring at each other for a few seconds, inexplicably panting. Benny held my gaze stubbornly as something deep inside me clicked and I swallowed.

                Then, without thought or reason, without remembering that I’d literally just broken up with my best friend ten minutes ago, I jumped forward and caught Benny’s face between my hands, kissing him hard on the lips as we both instinctively stumbled backwards, our legs getting caught up in each other’s as we simultaneously tried to walk and get closer to one another.

                Benny’s hands slipped around the back of my neck and into my hair, tugging furiously, and I couldn’t blame him – I’d obviously been completely oblivious to his feelings over the past few months and he was venting his frustration.

                And anyway, it was totally hot.

                We fell onto the bed in a hideous tangle of limbs, grinding and moaning and gasping and touching and tugging and I eased his mouth open with my lips and dipped and explored as he wriggled deliciously beneath me.

                With my tummy in knots and my heart beating erratically and my breathing shallow, I eventually pulled myself away from his lips and leaned my forehead against his.

                ‘Benny,’ I gasped, without opening my eyes. ‘What the fuck was that?’

                ‘Amazing,’ he gasped back at me, his hands still curled into tight fists in my hair.

                ‘Apart from that.’

                ‘Uh,’ he said, and I opened my eyes, looking down at him. ‘I guess that was the culmination of three months of having a serious thing for you.’

                Still slightly out of breath, and the flutterings in my heart and tummy not even hinting at dissipating, I asked, ‘Why didn’t you say anything before now?’

                Benny shrugged, or did a fair approximation of it given that I was still pressing him against the bed with my body. ‘Stuff. Freddie. You telling me I wasn’t your type.’ He paled suddenly. ‘Shit. What about Freddie?’

                I waved his question away. ‘When did I tell you that?’

                ‘Huh? Oh, one night before we went out. You know, the night that blonde straight guy cruised me?’

                The memory started to make its way back, fuzzily. ‘I was joking.’

                ‘Good,’ he stated boldly. ‘I’d hate to think that you-’

                I cut him off by pressing my mouth onto his again; I couldn’t help it. Something about him was addictive, on top of which, he was a dynamite kisser. Why had Jack never mentioned this before?

                ‘Don’t worry about Freddie,’ I murmured between kissing him a minute later when that thought occurred to me. ‘We broke up.’

                Benny pulled away from me, causing me to open my eyes again. ‘For real?’

                ‘Yeah.’ I was keeping it short; I just wanted him to kiss me again.


                ‘I guess we both woke up with the slightly disturbing realisation that we had absolutely no romantic feelings for one another. He’s gone to go win Jack over right now.’

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