Love 'N' Stuff [Original Slash] {10}

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I was still sitting patiently in my room waiting for Jack when the knock came on the door and I stood up to answer it, holding out my arms to hug him before I registered that it wasn’t even Jack.

                Freddie blinked down at me. ‘Wow,’ he said. ‘Matt was right. You are good at this intuition thing.’ Which was how I found myself awkwardly embracing the boy who had just single-handedly managed to fuck up both my and my best friend’s lives in the period of a couple of minutes.


When Freddie told me he thought he was broken and looked at me with those big sad eyes I could feel my heart cracking. I mean, even before I got this crush on him, I’ve always loved him, loved him more than I’ve ever loved anybody, and it broke my heart to see him so confused and in pain. And I wanted to be the one to help him, I really did. I wanted to tell him a solution that would fix everything that was rattling around inside him, or better yet just tell him to stay put and go and fix everything for him. But I couldn’t.

                And while if we’d been at home I would have been the best person for him to come to, I knew that wasn’t true anymore. For one thing, our relationship was a little more complicated now with the addition of lust to our usual feelings for each other. For another, Freddie seemed to be under the impression that I was one of the injured parties in whatever transgressions were getting blown massively out of proportion in his head. And for a third, we now lived with somebody far more suited to dealing with other people’s emotional anguish than me.

                Which is why I sent Freddie to see Benny, right then and there on the couch.

                He was laying my arms, not crying exactly, but seeming to be drifting towards a slightly calmer place, when I brought it up.

                ‘I have an idea for something that might help,’ I murmured.


                ‘I think you should talk to Benny.’

                Freddie sat up and looked at me. ‘Benny? Why?’

                ‘Well, he’s only objective observer in this situation. And he’s really, really intuitive, Freddie. Like, freakishly gifted. If anybody’s gonna help you with this existential crisis of yours, it’s him.’

                Freddie bit his lip and chewed on it for a few seconds before letting it out from between his teeth with a sigh. ‘Okay. If you think it will help.’

                With which he took a deep breath, stood up, and left the room. And while there was an intrinsic part of me that felt sad that I couldn’t be my best friend’s go-to person all the time anymore, I did feel massively relieved. Because I knew that no matter how long it took, even if Freddie had to start paying Benny for regular sessions, this was going to make everything okay.


I was still stewing in my room hours later when my tummy started to rumble. Things like this always make me more angry. Like, in films and books and on TV and stuff, if somebody starts exhibiting strong emotion, like crying for example, they never show you the skull-fuckery of a dehydration headache that sets in about ten minutes into the crying jag.

                And if somebody is in the midst of an anger fit they rarely get an irritating itch they can’t reach that only makes the anger more pronounced.

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