Chapter 5 : Merry Christmas

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I don't own junjou romantica... *sigh* .... Back to normal format... Thankfully...
Caution: Mature humour

Misaki POV

I got up slowly and looked around, I blushed slightly as I remembered the events from the previous day. Looking down I saw that it indeed wasn't a dream.

I can't believe I did something like that....

I could see faint traces of daylight peeking through the windows, I smiled.

It's Christmas! I should go get Usagi's gift from my coat pocket.

I cautiously got up, careful not to wake my sleeping lover from his dreams. I then blinked a few times in confusion after I stood up.

My hips don't hurt.... Usually they hurt a lot after me and Usagi... Sleep together.. Maybe because we didn't do as many rounds as usual?... Well that was because Usagi was tired from before so...

I felt my face heat up when I remembered how I made Usagi get tired quicker than usual.

If I don't want it to hurt afterwards then...

I shook my head and ran out of the shared bedroom in embarrassment.

No! There's no way I can possibly do something like that again! I don't know what came over me in the first place!...

I cleared my head of my embarrassing thoughts and set out to find where Usagi had placed my coat, I smiled when I saw that it had been thrown over one of the living room's soft red sofas.

Well that wasn't hard to find.

I then picked up my coat and opened the pocket on the left side, breathing a sigh of relief at the sight of the box.

Good it didn't get lost...

I opened the small box to reveal the silver chained bear keychain, it sparkled nicely in the light.

It's not wrapped... However I don't think Usagi would mind much about that...

I placed the chain back into its box.

I should go wake up Usagi now... I just hope he isn't as grumpy waking up as usual...

I took a frying pan from the kitchen, just in case the great Usagi were to try and jump me. I then quickly ran up the stairs that lead towards the bedroom, not before picking up the wrapped teddy bear from before along the way, holding it with the same hand that the boxed chain was in.

I peeked into the doorway of the bedroom, I sighed with relief to see that my silver haired lover had already risen from bed on his own.

"Morning Usagi"

I smiled happily, my silver haired lover looked back and yawned, lavender eyes still filled with sleep.


I tilted my head in confusion at Usagi's reaction towards seeing me.

Is he mad or something?...

"Usagi what's wrong?"

I really wanted to know what seemed to be on my lover's mind.

Lavender eyes gleamed and a smirk crept across Usagi's face, I tightened my grip on the frying pan.

"Oh there's nothing wrong... It just seems you've decided to wear nothing but products from last night"

I froze in horror and looked down at myself, I had been too preoccupied with thinking about Usagi's gift that I hadn't noticed that I had no clothes on, even worse I was covered in our dried seeds.

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