Chapter 1 : To get a gift, Usagi in the kitchen....

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Hehe a Christmas present for junjou romantica readers~ or just a story if it isn't Christmas when you read this~ the latter seems more likely~ anyway I don't own Junjou Romantica at all so let the story start!
First chappy short like normal ~

Misaki POV

I yawned and stretched tiredly as I got out of bed, I was careful so as to not wake up my silver haired lover who was still sleeping soundly. I couldn't help but smile as my plans for today flashed through my mind, it was December 24, Christmas Eve.

Today I was going to secretly buy Usagi the perfect gift, I had already bought Usagi a bear, even though I did NOT want his bear room to get any more full. I shivered at the memory of being caught up in a bear avalanche, I had never been so afraid of stuffed bears at that time.

I know Usagi loves his bears.... But I want to get him something more special than that, I got my pay check yesterday so I don't have much time..

I had told my silver haired lover that I had to go to work today, I knew that it wasn't right to lie but I didn't want him worrying about me. The workplace is safe now because Ijuuin sensei had to go to a autograph signing event in Osaka.

I silently crept downstairs and placed a note on the fridge for Usagi to microwave yesterday's leftovers of pancakes, I didn't want the smell of cooking to wake him up.

I slipped on my shoes and jacket before walking out the door, as I exited the apartment I was blinded by the light being reflected off of the white snow that blanketed everything. I smiled, it seemed like it was going to be a white Christmas after all.

I destroyed the freshly fallen snow that was once untouched as I began to walk towards the stores, I was exited yet at the same time dreading my arrival there.

Last minute Christmas shopping.... It's going to be really crowded, at least I only need to find one perfect item.

I shivered slightly and blew on my hands to warm them up, I wished that I hadn't forgotten my mittens and scarf.

When I arrived at the shopping district I was greatly surprised, usually this area was swamped with people, rushing to finish their shopping for the next day. However there seemed to be barely anyone shopping, I shrugged it off as most people were still sleeping, that or the sudden heavy snowfall had trapped people in their driveways.

I walked by the toy store that I got Usagi's bear from, I wanted to get my silver haired lover something element and special, very unlike the many children's toys that he already owned.

What would Usagi like besides toys?.... He doesn't seem to care much about items and he has more than enough clothes.... Something too flashy would be bad... He already stands out enough as it is....

As I was pondering what to get my silver haired lover, something glinted and caught my attention from the corner of my eye, I turned around and looked at the display case.

It was a simple silver coloured chain, it wasn't feminine at all, neither was it too manly. It was just a simple thin chain that had a realistic bear dangling off of the end of it, it looked like it could be used as a cell phone decoration.

I smiled, it seemed perfect for Usagi, it had one of his beloved bears, it was simple yet elegant, and it didn't take up too much space. I looked at the price and winced slightly, it was not cheap but just barely within my buying range.

It's worth it, I hope Usagi will like it...

I quickly walked into the store that had the chain on display, the store was odd, it was filled with many strange figures and sculptures. I was wary to not knock anything over, there was no way I could pay for a broken sculpture and still get Usagi his gift.

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