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3rd POV

Morning had come too soon. Peter felt like he could stay in bed for the rest of his life. He checked his phone to see if he had any new text messages and thankfully he didn't.

He took a shower and got dressed for school wishing that he could stay home.

He tried to put on a cheery smile and went down to breakfast to find the living room empty.

He saw a note on the table next to a stack of pancakes.

Sorry that we couldn't be there for breakfast. Pepper had something urgent to deal with at Stark Industries and the team got called away to another SHIELD meeting. Happy will drive you to school and pick you up. Have a good day at school. We're sorry for missing breakfast with you. We love you.


Peter sighed, his day already started off terrible, he hadn't gotten a chance to see them and he was looking forward to one of them taking him to school not that he didn't like Happy but he just looked forward to their silly banters about who gets to drive him to school.

They always made him laugh and he really needed it at the moment. He decided to call May before he left for school but she hadn't picked up. She was probably at work.

"Bye Friday," Peter said as he walked into he elevator to go downstairs to the car park where Happy was waiting for him.

"Goodbye Peter. Have a nice day," she responded. Peter suddenly started missing Karen. He was sure Karen didn't miss him though. Do AI's even have emotions?

Peter felt like he got to school too fast. He wasn't ready to see Ned, MJ most likely would be at home resting if she had even gotten discharged from the hospital.

He saw Ned sitting on a bench alone listening to music and then Peter realized that he was probably lonely too.

He only ever hung out with Peter and MJ and she wasn't at school so Ned will be all alone and once again Peter thought that it was his fault.

Peter got snapped out of his thoughts by the sound of a text message. He sighed knowing that it would most likely be the blackmailer.

He hesitantly opened it.

Unknown: I'm bored and I want to see something funny. Slip on that banana peel in front of you

Low and behold there was a banana peel in front of him. Almost as if it was planned. There was a lot of people around and if Peter did that he would totally embarrass himself.

But he really didn't have a choice. With a sigh he did as he was told. He pretended not to notice the banana peel on the ground and he slipped and  fell, landing flat on his face. All of the students had turned their attention to him and they were either laughing or taking pictures.

Peter saw Ned stand up and started to walk in his direction and then he stopped. There was a sad look on his face as he turned and walked the other way.

That hurt. Is that how MJ felt when Peter did that? He definitely deserved to make a fool out of himself. It was just karma.

Unknown: hahahah! That was so funny Peter. Don't forget that you forgot to do your homework or I'll forget that you asked me to keep your friends out of this.

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