An Excursion

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We did not say goodbye! But I always remember her in my memories. I do not know whether she remembers me anymore or not. Since then I am not able to forget her and think about her all through day and night, whenever I am alone or with people; she always lives in my memories. It was the springtime, rejuvenation of life, of nature when I first saw her. I went for an excursion with my friends; we all were trying to find a way to G Block, Connaught Place. We had to take Central Park's path in order to reach there faster. It was undoubtedly a pleasant weather, the zephyr, which had an elusive aroma, was blowing refreshed our senses. While my friends were busy in a conversation amongst themselves, I was observing the exquisiteness of nature. Before I could get engrossed in the whimsical world, I came across something which completely brought me back to reality. I saw a girl coming towards me; she was no doubt beautiful. "Have you seen a little boy somewhere" she asked, her shivering voice was evident of the fact that she was disturbed. "No I did not" I said. Listening that, she burst out in tears. My friends were in a hurry and they almost ignored her but I could not, I told them that they should carry on further and I will join them later to which they reluctantly agreed upon. On asking several times she told me that she had brought her younger brother for an outing and that she had lost him. I tried to console her but she could not stop crying, I promised her that I will help her in finding her lost brother. We both started searching for him here and there and went almost everywhere, he was nowhere to be found. She said "your friends must be waiting, you should leave now" to which I replied "you want me to leave you to find your brother alone? I don't want to break a given promise. I will not go until I find your brother." Once again we started looking for the lost kid but unfortunately we could not find him, moreover the growing darkness made it more difficult. I suggested her to go and wait for him at the place she last left him. We both went together near the fountain and waited for approximately an hour. I felt sorry for her as I could not keep my promise, poor girl; suddenly she heard a voice which put a smile on her gloomy face."That is Aashu's voice, did you hear?" she asked and told me that he was near. However I did not hear any voice. She took me to the other side of the park and pointed from where the voice was coming. I asked her whether she was sure about the voice as I did not hear any; she told me that she did hear a clear voice of her brother who was calling her. I did not want to argue with her therefore I suggested her to split and find him individually. We both SEPARATELY started looking for him in the whole park. Few moments later, I realized that (probably) we two were the only left ones in the park. I saw a guard whistling and heading towards me. In a deep voice he told me to leave the park as it was about to get closed. I told him that a girl has lost her younger brother and I was helping her to find him. He stared at me, looked all over the place for a while and said "are you looking for a girl who came with her mischievous brother?" I said "perhaps". Then he told me that he saw a girl (in purple top) leaving the place with her brother just when he saw me running here and there in search of someone. It was not too late so I rushed through the gate and tried to follow her but there was no sign. I rang my friends to ask them where they exactly were, they told me to come to a nearby restaurant. I went to the restaurant, still thinking why she left and said nothing. I rejoined my friends who asked me where I was all that while, I narrated them the entire story. To my surprise they laughed and said that I might have been hallucinating. I went back home and started thinking over it again and again. Different thoughts started striking my mind which gave me nothing but a headache; instantaneously I went to bed to get some sleep. It was very difficult for me to fall asleep that night. Next day I again decided to go there, hoping that she would come as I wanted to ask her many things. I reached Connaught Place and made my way to the Central Park. I went to the place where we met for the first time, looked for her but she was not there, then I went near the fountain where we both sat together but she was missing. I stayed there, waiting for her for so long in a hope that she would definitely come, but it did not happen; she did not come. Now it has been almost a year and I still wonder why did she leave without saying anything? What could be the reason for her not bidding me adieu? I do not know whether she remembers me or not but all I know is that I will never ever be able to forget her.

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