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Chema chajiuza, kibaya chajitembeza.
(A bad thing strolls, a good thing sells itself.)



For the past four days, I'd managed to coax Tanya and her stubborn husband to let me stay with them. The last day, however, was the worst. I arrived from work, exhausted by the traffic, ready to go straight to the shower. Far from the normal two other occupants of the house, there was a large group, like about ten to twelve men in the living room. The choking smell of liquor filled my nostrils the minute their loud chatter died down upon my entry.

I politely smiled at them to push away the burdening feeling of awkwardness. What I got in reponse were mumbled greetings, clearly showing disdain. I gave them a nod then walked past them to my room as I felt judgemental stares stab my back.

They hate me too.
Surprise surprise.

I realised that Tanya wasn't around so I texted her.

Taji: Uko? (where are you)

Tanya: At a friend's, I'll be back late.

Tanya: Oh my, I totally forgot to mention that Alex is having friends over.

Taji: It's cool, met them already.

Tanya: Are they bothering you?

Taji: Nothing out of the ordinary

Tanya: They are quite heavy on the bottle in their boy squad hangouts. I really hope it's not a bother.

Taji: Relax sis, it's okay. I'll be fine

After the warm shower, my tummy was grumbling but the thought of going to the kitchen made me cringe.

I'm a 25 year old man.
What's the worst they could do to me anyway?

Running down the stairs, I had my head held high as I walked past them into the kitchen to rummage through the refrigerator. There was some left over rice and beef stew. I served it onto a plate and placed it in the microwave. As I leaned back listening to the roaring machine, a drunken voice called out.

"Oya! Chizi! (Hey! Mad man!) Come join us!"


Choosing to ignore it, I grabbed a glass and poured water into it. I gulped down the water as another drunken voice called out.

"Come on! You shy now?" Followed by a thunderous laugh. "Oh, sorry, we forgot that there's two people living in you." Another thunderous laugh.

Don't let it get to you.

My grip on the glass tightened but I let it go dropping it into the sink unwilling to be some dramatic soap opera character that grazes his palms from breaking a glass in frustration. The microwave beeped and I quickly took out the plate, sticking a spoon into it, making my way out of there.

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