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'You gave me a forever within the numbered days and I am grateful'

John Green, The Fault in our Stars.

If I say that applied to the past hour I spent with Taji, you'd think I'm exaggerating. But for the first time in a long time, I didn't care if someone thought I was weird, everything would fall apart if I didn't stick to perfecting everything. Everything just flowed.

As the hyped up music shifted to worship, the atmosphere was filled with a tranquility I cannot explain. I watched him sing along and genuinely enjoy my music. This was the triangle I'd always dreamt of. Me, a heaven sent man and God right at the top filling our hearts with all the peace that is contained in Him. I couldn't even believe that I wanted to kick him out of my life. God works in mysterious ways. That was a forever I was basking in within that short period of time. I was grateful and I never wanted it to lapse.

"WHAT'S POPPING?" Lily shouted as she walked into the kitchen.

"What?" Taji asked as he chuckled, still a bit dazed from the moment we were sharing.

"I'm extra like that," she said and we all laughed. She took one chapati and bit it as she asked what else we were cooking.

"We made chapati and I'm just about to make some beef stew. There are some mandazis over there, bite on those,"

"I'm beginning to think these meet ups are a weight gain strategy," Lily said picking one up.

"Ha ha, real funny," Taji said sarcastically and we all burst into laughter.

"Were you two cooking with your hairs or what?" Lily asked as she dusted off flour from my head. Taji shook out the flour from his. It was just fascinating how beautiful his hair looked as it dropped down his face despite the white stuff. There was also something about seeing him in an actual shirt that just amped the hypnotic effect. I hadn't noticed that I was staring until Lily coughed in my ear, "At least breathe when you stare."

I rolled my eyes then went to the living room to undo my cornrows. I poured both of them some juice then insisted that I wanted to cook the beef alone. I really wanted to slap Taji for setting such high standards on the first day.

As expected, my meat got burnt. It's always frustrating when you know at the back of your head that literally all girls your age know how to cook. I now knew a man who does it better than anyone else I know.

I really tried to calm myself down and not overreact. The day was going so well. But my clumsiness was always right on time, faithfully.

"Did you burn all our food?" Lily asked as she walked into the kitchen.

"I'm so sorry guys," I said biting back tears as Taji followed her.

"Sweetheart, it's no big deal, don't cry," Lily said in a sympathetic tone as she spread her arms for a hug. I had trained myself well not to cry, especially in front of people. I knew that if I let her hug me I'd just break down.

"Don't hug me, I'm okay," I said then sniffled.

"Come on Raz, don't start with the I've got this card," she went on still trying to hug me.

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