Prologue - Age 15 (POV Elena)

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Hello everyone, welcome to my Fenrys fanfic! This is a collection of stories about the lives of the SJM Throne of Glass characters after KOA (as well as some of my own characters) that I'm writing to come together and make a story.

Warnings and Announcements:
1- This will be jumping around a lot so I've put the age of one of the characters that I created: Elena (no, not the queen who died with the lock, I just used her name for a new character) to mark as a guide line for what year it is.

2- This is a Fenrys fanfic so it's going to be mostly focusing on him.

3- There will be mature content later on as well as swearing and other language that SJM uses in her books

4- As this is written after the Events of KOA I added in some ideas from other people on the fandom, so I can't take all the credit, however most of the ideas in here are my own.

With that being said I hope you enjoy it, and forgive any spelling mistakes or editing issues! ;)

"Happy birthday." He says, and hands me a small black velvet box.

I took it gingerly with both hands and gently began to pry the lid open. Inside sits a beautiful, almost full circle comb, set with seven spires poking out like blades. No, they were blades. With one hand, I reach for one of the spikes and pull. I suck in a sharp breath. Each spire conceals a small double edged throwing knife, made out of some silvery white metal, set with a diamond at the hilt, and veins of gold.

"It's, it's," I stutter, not able to find the words, "It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen." I manage to get out. Turning my head, I now view his face, and see the special smile that he always saves for me.

"Then you haven't been looking at me enough." His eyes twinkle in the light of my bedroom fire. I chuckle at his remark. He's always been like that, but I don't mind. It's just the way he is with me.

"Help me put it on?" I ask and pout my lips. He chuckles and takes the comb out of my hands. I turn my head to give him easier access to my hair, and he steps closer. Slowly he brushes away the locks that rest on my shoulder, sweeps them up to the side, and puts the comb in place.

"There." He nods, satisfied with his work. Not being able to wait any more, I leap up from my own seat and rush to the large floor length mirror hanging on my wall. The creature before me is no girl: white silk flowing gown, with fine golden embroidery creeping up the bottom, arms, waistline, and neck, matching slippers, diamond rings and choker. My skin has been dusted with shimmering powder, and my eyelids brushed with gold. Now set with the comb that looks to be the sun, rising out of my hair...

I smile at my reflection, and let my magic seep out of me. Slowly, like the pulse of an ember, I start to glow, and flicker, and blaze. I let my fire fill my eyes and flow through my hair, setting the comb ablaze, the diamonds reflecting the non burning flames. I look like...

"Starlight." He murmurs. 

I turn back and face the warrior and member of my mother's court. "Thank you Fenrys. It's the best present I've ever gotten." I say and embrace the male. His arms automatically fold around me and I'm wrapped up in the smell of sunny meadows, and fresh spring flowers.

I like it here. I don't mean my room, in the castle of Orynth, but safe here in the arms of the wolf. Fenrys has always been the court member, or member of the cadre that I'm most comfortable with. That is, except for my father: Rowan. Don't get me wrong, I love and trust all the members of my mother's court, and have a special relationship with each of them. But with Fenrys it's different. It's like there's a pull in my chest that leads me to his waiting arms. Whenever I'm sad, he'll always have a good joke to cheer me up, and he's the most likely to get into something stupid and reckless with me, that my father will scold the both of us for later on.

"Does it have a name?" I ask.

"Ortus. It means sunrise in an old language." He replies.

"As old as you?" I tease.

"As old as Lorcan." He smirks, eyes glowing.

"Thank you." I say again and pull out of his embrace. His arms slowly recede from around me, and he grins at me with mischief in his onyx eyes. "Let's see how you do with them during training tomorrow." I nod my head eagerly, and he laughs. "See you tomorrow princess." He says and leaves the room.

Tomorrow... Yes.... Tomorrow I'll try them out. I smile to myself and begin to undress for bed with the help of my maids: Orena and Vosera. Then they leave me to myself, now dressed in a silken robe, all the night's splendor washed away. All except for the comb which I asked them to leave in my hair.

Tomorrow I'll train with these new weapons..... But tomorrow isn't soon enough. And with that, I twist, grasping one of the blades mid spin, and send it flying for the target on my wall precisely for these kinds of moments.

I smile, and take the comb out of my hair and delicately place it down on the little wooden table. Making for the soft bed, I hum to myself, and leave the seventh blade embedded in the bullseye.

Whewww! Ok wow, I just did that.
Ok so as you probably noticed I tried to write the original characters from SJM as closely as when she wrote them, however I'm nowhere near as good a writer and am not her, so it wasn't the best representation. And for my new characters I did use themes and was inspired by the original characters so if you are getting old school vibes then that's probably because I was feeling them while writing.

Anyways I hope you liked the prologue, and thank you to all the people who've shown me support with this story before I even started posting! 🥰😘

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