Freedom of Flight, Four - Age 17 (Elena POV)

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Warning: swearing ahead


As it turns out, since the clans returned from the great war in Erilea, the Rukhin have been doing their best to wipe out the remaining Kharankui that were hiding in the Dagul Fells, the watchtower of Eidolon, and the woods surrounding it.

Hearing about the death of their queen only made them angrier and more violent. Understandably I might say, but that didn't make killing them any easier. It also didn't soothe the wound of the two graves stones up on the hill. Riders lost to the mission.

Though the weather-worn stones sit, surrounded by others who have passed over the years, there's something about those two that don't sit well with me. They remind me of the massive graveyard in Orynth. The field that seems to stretch on and on across that lonely plane. Countless mounds of stones, and countless tears that continue to be shed.

"Remember, this is just to verify the truth. They were all killed a few years ago." Almuru says soothingly from beside me, catching my stare toward the graves on the far hill. "We're safe from everything but our imaginations." he teases and gives my shoulder a quick squeeze.

Not necessarily the most encouraging pep talk, but enough to ground me into a more secure mindset and focusing on what needs to be done.

Tearing my feet from their rooted spot on the stone platform, I turn round and check the buckles, saddle, and weapons supply one last time. A stocked quiver, a small thin knife with a bone handle that my mother gave to me when I was six, and my chakram securely attached to my hips.

Without thinking, I reach my hand to the back of my head. Distantly I feel the smooth texture of my hair and the folding of my impossibly tight braid. But all I can think about is Ortus. My sunrise comb with hidden throwing blades that Fenrys gave to me on my fifteenth birthday.

Since I received the extraordinary present, I've hated to take it off. It somehow makes me feel more protected. Most likely because of the knowledge that I have extra hidden weapons on me, should I need them, but I think it also has something to do with the fact that he gave it to me. One of my mother's most trusted court member, if not the most. I've always felt safe around him, and it wasn't until I learned to shift that the reasoning became clear.

However, given that it is one of the most beautiful pieces of jewelry I've ever seen, and most likely costs more than a fortune, it can attract unwanted attention especially when I'm trying not to stand out too much.

I was able to get away with it at the Red Desert, but only barely. So, with the pressing knowledge of what our time here would be like, I came to the cold decision to leave it hidden in my room at the palace of Antica.

I know it was the right decision, and yet still I can't help but wish that it was here with me now. That it was sitting securely the back of my head, it's slight weight comforting me. But I retract my hand away from my head, roll my shoulders, and mount the great ruk in front of me.

Lakia is her name. A strong and stealthy young ruk, with feathers a deep golden bronze color, that seem to hold more power than a legion of fae warriors. Since Lakia is smaller than Untre, the golden bird that Almuru rides, we're carrying a much lighter load, while Almuru carries heavier provisions in his saddlebags in case of need.

Busily adjusting the straps and buckles, I don't notice Harlan's approach until Almurur's cool voice cuts through the silence of the foggy morning. "Good to see you got all the dirt off," he calls, and my head snaps up to see him standing at the edge of the platform, arms crossed, eyes hard, and overall dislike radiates from him.

"Oh, I rather think grime gives me a ruggedly handsome look," he smiles arrogantly at Almuru before turning to me, "Don't you agree, dear?"

Hot white fire leaps in my veins at his simple yet implying remark, but I leash the rage and snuff out the flames begging to come out. "If you mean to say that you think shit covering your face adds to your overall disgusting appeal, then yes. We can agree on that."

"It's good to know you think I have an overall appeal." his eyebrows raise.

"It's good to know that you spent a total of three hours last night down at the river trying to clean ruk muck off your face." I sneer, his arrogance starting to brand on my nerves.

"I didn't know you were thinking of me last night." he chuckles, pleased with himself. "Though I suppose the thought of me bathing in a moonlit river is pleasing to any young lonely maiden."

"Was there a point to this visit Harlan? Other than to shamefully harass Elena?" Almuru cuts in before I can explode. Each word clipped and hard.

"Awww, but it's so fun!" Harlan winks at me, and I feel the leather reins in my hands start to crack. "As a matter of fact, yes." he turns back to Almuru, "Hearth mother is sending me along with the two of you on the scouting trip," he smirks proudly, strutting closer.

"Looks like we'll finally get to fly high together princess." he grins at me and takes hold of one of the saddle straps on Lakia.

"Get your own damn ruk." I snap with so much venom that some spit accidentally flies out and lands on his cheek. But he simply takes a finger and sweeps it across his defined cheekbones with a smile.

"Nope." he pops the P nice and loud, and I hear it echo down the caverns and cracks in the mountain. "It would take to long and we're already behind schedule."

"Ride with me then," Almuru says sternly, clearly picking up on my obvious hatred of the idea of flying together.

"Sorry ice boy, but you've got the heavier load and we'd be imbalanced," he says facing Almuru and then turns back to me. "Like it or not sweetheart, but this is the only way it makes sense."

I shoot a pleading look at Almuru but he just shrugs his shoulders at me sadly from atop his ruk. He doesn't see any other options.

Turning back to face Harlan, I lean down to his level and say in dead quiet poison, "You touch me, asshole, and I'll show you pain, you never thought possible."

Harlan only stares deep into my multi-colored eyes and smiles like a devil. Even with anger, frustration, and rage still barreling through me, I still can't help but think of how unfairly attractive he looks.

He breaks the stare first, a quiet victory, but I'll take any I can get with him, and swings himself up onto Lakia behind me, settling into the saddle and buckling himself in. Slowly unclenching my hands from around the reigns, I let out a deep breath and prepare for the ride to hell.

"Don't worry princess." he whispers in my ear, "That's what I came for."


Hello everyone!

I actually had a hard time starting this chapter, and ended up rewriting it a few times 😂

Overall I'm happier now, but I might go back and edit it a bit more if I get picky ☺️

"To whatever end"
-Leia ✨🌙

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