Frozen Flame - Age 13 (Fenrys POV)

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I know that this is a little earlier than I normally post, but I was working really hard on this chapter and I thought you'd might like to have it now!

Enjoy! 😉

Training. If that was what we're calling it. For most fae, learning to use your magic and abilities is a very meaningful deed, to push your body the way it's meant to be used and worked, to become a true warrior. But for the fae teens, in the training ring, you might as well call it play time.

Elena and Almuru stalk around each other in the ring, steady movements, slow and precise. Then Elena pounces, leaping in a lupine like form, arching at the last second before contact, swisting, and flipping them both to the ground.

Almuru twists, and flings Elena to the other side, before she can get a good hold on him and the two are stalking once again, grins and smirks never leaving their faces. With a spin, Almuru flings a hidden dagger straight for the princesses heart, but Elena merely side kicks the blade aside, and sweeps a whip of flame for the dark haired male.

With a chuckle, a wall of glittering black meets the flame and sends a boom through the courtyard. A spear of dark blue races for the princess, but is knocked aside with a kick of flame and answered by a spinning axe of white hot flame.

Throw, dodge, aim, duck, kick, sweep, flame, ice, light, dark.

Though the two are powerful fae, even for young ones, and have extreme amounts of power, such to the point of a deadly aftermath, they train and practice as if they were doing nothing more harmful than a pillow fight. Although the way they do pillow fights, it can end rather dangerously too.

Almuru sends a dagger, made from the darkest ice for Elena. She twists away, but then has to duck at the spear he threw next, earning a nasty cut on her forearm. "FLAMING HOLE OF SHIT!" she shouts in pain.

One of my favorite curses that she invented. And though Almuru also finds them amusing, Rowan isn't as fond of her swearing, which makes parenting hard since Aelin will jump right in swearing with her daughter.

"Oh calm down Fireass!" Almuru scolds. His main nickname for her. She merely makes a vulgar gesture in return, earning a chuckle from him. The two are about to start again when Rowan calls them over for some more organized training.

"Now, today I want to run through some weapons that we haven't used in a while. No magic, the two of you against Vaughan, Fenrys, and Myself." Rowan talks, and I walk over, hearing my name.

"Before you give us the whole: battle is never fair, speech, why pit us against all of you." Elena gestures to the gathered males before her and her friend.

"You're right that battle isn't fair, but this is just an exercise for multitasking: old weapons, working with a partner, against a serious threat." Rowan explains, and they split off, making for the weapons that Rowan layed out.

Whether or not she knows the males around her can hear her she whispers to Almuru "I don't think I can take them seriously as a threat after playing dress up together."

"You can't take anything seriously!" he teases.

"Oh yeah! Take my book and see just how seriously I'll take that!" she shoots back and they make for the ring again, now armed with various new weapons.

We males grab our usual weapons of choice and jump down into the pit. The kids are standing in the middle of the clay bottomed ditch, back to back, shoulder to shoulder, one black haired, one golden, both with weapons in hand, both with smirks and grins. And wolf, osprey, and hawk stalk the perimeter, keeping a distance before we begin. Weapons out, heads clear, eyes focused, ready.

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