Chapter 4

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      Audrey's P.O.V.

It was dark outside and I was at the basketball court practicing my dribbling and shooting for tryouts. Usually when I'm home at this hour, I always go for a run and then play a little bit of basketball. It's a routine to help me get better and stay fit, but I changed the time to continue my routine.

I ran to the basketball net and did a layup at first. The ball went in and I grabbed it after. Then I dribbled back to the middle of the court to shoot a three. "She shoots!" I said to myself. I made my shot and it went in the net. As soon as I was about to say it, I heard someone in the background.

"She scores!" A male voice said. I turned around and it was Melvin. He was wearing a grey nike hoodie and some basketball shorts.

Great. My night was about to get ruined. "What do you want barf face?" I asked him while rolling my eyes. Then, I ran to my basketball to go grab it and then walked back to him.

"I was heading back home until I saw you here, so I wanted to stop by to talk to you." He said. "Okay you seen me and you talked to me so you can go now." I said while bending my fingers to say goodbye.

He squinted his eyes and rolled his eyes. "Fine, I guess you don't want a rainbow bazooka." He said as he pulled it out of his pockets to show me.

He knows that those popsicles are my favorite. It's his too and one time, we fought over the last one at an ice cream truck when we were ten.

"Okay okay fine we can talk." I said. He smiled and handed me my rainbow bozooka. Both of us walked to the nearest bleachers and took a seat.

We sat next to each other and opened our popsicles from the package. Then, I took a small bite and felt a little refreshed.

"Thanks Melvin but you didn't have to do this." I said.

"No problem and it's all good. They are only a dollar at the corner store and you've been working hard in basketball lately, so you deserve it." He said.

I looked at him in his eyes. "Wow Mel, that was really thoughtful of you to do that for me. I'm surprised you did it because I've been acting like a jerk towards you." I said.

"It's not biggie, that's how our friendship is and it's always been like that." "Yeah, you do have a point." "Also, you're falling for me too so I completely understand." He grinned.

This boy really thinks I'm falling for him. Wow! "You wish!" I said while pushing him a little. Both of us began laughing. Okay so you guys maybe a little confused on what's happening here.

It may seem like Melvin and I are enemies which we can be a certain times, but he's honestly a good friend of mines.

Our friendship is on and off and it's nothing new. We have moments when we are sweet and we have a lot of moments when we hate each other.

Nobody understands our friendship and that's okay, they don't need to know. "It's getting late, we should probably start heading home now." I said. I took the last bite of my rainbow bozooka and got up.

"Yeah you're right. I'll walk you home." Melvin said while finishing up his popsicle. He got up and both of us left the basketball court and began heading home.

It was quiet for a minute and the walk so far was very peaceful and calm. "So, are you ready for basketball tryouts?" He asked me to start a conversation.

"Yes, but i'm not going to lie, I'm a little nervous." I confessed. "How come?" He asked me. "Because what if I'm not good enough for the team? There are probably other girls that are way better than me  and have a higher chance on getting on the team." I said.

Melvin stopped walking and grabbed my arm. Then, he pulled me back to him. We were two inches away from each other and I haven't been this close to him in a really long time.

"Audrey don't worry, you are going to make the team. I've been watching you play at your games in middle school and you were the best one out there! I have never seen a girl with skills like you in person before and if they don't accept you, then they are idiots." He said.

Usually I could tell when someone means something versus lying and from the looks of it, it seemed like Melvin was speaking from his heart. I think this was the nicest thing he's ever said to me and I really appreciated it his words.

It made me feel some type of way. Like butterflies beginning to form in my stomach.

"Wow really mean that?" I asked him. "Of course I mean that. Everything that I just told you is true." He said while rubbing his neck. Then, he began to blush a little. His cheeks were turning pink. "Thanks man and are you blushing?" I said to tease him. His eyes widened. "No what the heck?! You're seeing things." He said to deny it.

Then, I decided to tease him more and gotten a little closer to him. Then, we were an inch away from each other and I looked him in the eye. "U-um..w-what are you doing Audrey." He hesitated.

I whispered in his ear and told him "We all know that you're the one that's falling for me." I looked back at him and his face turned red.

"Don't do that! You're so weird." He said while looking away. I began laughing. "Dude, I'm just kidding." I said. All of a sudden, it began to drizzle. "Oh shoot, we better hurry up and go home." I suggested. "Ya think?" He said. It began to rain more and we ended up got caught in the rain.

Melvin and I ran to our street as fast as we could. Luckily, the basketball court wasn't far from our houses so it only took us two minutes to get there. When we made it to our street, we walked to my house first and made it to the door. Good thing I have a front patio.

"Melvin, you didn't have to walk me home, your house is three houses down from mines." I told him. "No it's okay, I just wanted to make sure that you're safe." "Awe, how sweet." I said. "Goodnight Audrey, I'll see you tomorrow at school." He said with a smile. "Okay goodnight!" I said and smiled back at him . He tried to go in for a hug and I tried to give him a high five.

Then, we switched and he wanted a high five and I wanted a hug. "Make up your mind woman!" He joked. "You wanted something different." I laughed. We ended up high-fiving each other and I took out my keys to unlock the door. Then, I unlocked it and went inside. Melvin took off and ran to his house.

I closed my door and I saw my sister Zoelisha sitting on the couch doing a face mask and reading a magazine. "Hey Zo." I said. "Can I help you?" She asked and gave me a disgusted look.

"Well geez, I can't say hi to my big sister?" I asked while getting a little annoyed.

"No you cannot, right now you're non-existent and if you will excuse me, I'm in the middle of something ." She told me.

My older sister is a real bitch and I just wish she can stop acting like it. "Ugh, whatever! Screw you and your stuck up self." I said and stormed off to my room. I'm so glad that she's a senior because she could finally leave for college and not come home every single day.

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