Chapter 1

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A new journey has begun with the Harvey street kids who are now teenagers! It's their first day of high school and they are all excited for it. They don't know what's coming to them as soon as they start school. So, let's begin with the girls.


       Audrey's P.O.V.

Ah. The first day of high school. The girls and I are thrilled for it and we planned so many things during summer break for it .

Dot wants to join the robotics club, Lotta wants to join the dance team, and I, Audrey Smith, is going to try out for the school's basketball team! I've been playing it since I was in sixth grade and played in all of my middle school years.

The girl's team needs me and without me, they aren't going to be undefeated.

I was the point guard on my team and I was the only one that scored so many points and had gotten a lot of rebounds. So, lets just hope the coach will let me be on their team.

Before I left my house, I was finishing getting ready. My outfit of the day for school was a dark grey graphic t-shirt with black biker short and black and grey air jordan ones.

Then, I decided to wear my hair down and it's naturally straight. "Lookin' good Audrey." I said to myself while admiring myself in the mirror.

"AUDREY, DOT AND LOTTA ARE HERE!" My mom shouted. "COMING MOM!" I replied. I grabbed my phone and bookbag and headed downstairs.
When I made it down there, I saw my favorite girls in the world, my best friends! "Good morning sunshine!" Lotta said with glee.

"Good morning besties! Are y'all ready for a new adventure?!" I said. "Yes!" They said at the same time.

"Goodbye sweetie, have a great first day of school!" My mom said.

"Bye mom, thank you." I said to her. The girls and I left my house and we began walking to our bus stop.

"I'm so excited! I can't wait to see new people, join clubs, and participate in so many events!" Lotta announce. You see, Lotta is known as the outgoing and bubbly girl in our trio. She's always been like that ever since we were little.

She even had a major glo up too. Ballet and hip hop dancing had helped her loose a lot of weight and she now looks like a vogue model.

"It's just school Lotta." Dot said as she chuckled. Dot is known as the the smart and more responsible one. She's been the same ever since we were younger.

She won so many science and robotic contests back in middle school and always had a passion for inventing new things. Her creativity is going to help her succeed in life!

"Girls, this is going to be our year for sure! I can feel it and once we do the things that we plan on doing, it's going to be the best year ever!" I confessed. "I agree, which makes it sound so exciting!" Lotta added.

"Then if you guys are that excited for it, let's hurry up and go to the bus stop!" Dot said. "Okay!" I said with excitement. The girls and I walked a little faster to get to our bus stop.

When we got there, the bus began to drive off. "Oh crap! I thought we were on time!" Dot cried. All of us ran towards it and tried our best to catch up to it but it driving off quickly.

It made me furious. So furious, that I grabbed a big rock and threw at the back of the bus as hard as I can and it almost hit it.

"STUPID BUS! WHY COULDN'T YOU JUST FREAKING STOP?! ARE YOU BLIND?! YOU SON OF A-" "AUDREY CHILL OUT!" Dot yelled as her and Lotta were holding me back.

Did I mention that i'm short tempered?

Well, I am and it's a problem. But do I care? Absolutely not."We are just going to have to walk to school." Lotta said. "No duh, Lotta! Why didn't I think of that?" I said with sarcasm.

"Okay Audrey, you don't have to act like a brat towards us, it's too early for this and this wasn't how things were supposed to go. So calm your tits and let's just go!" Dot explained.

I rolled my eyes and they let me go. "Whatever." I said. I walked a little farther away from them to calm down until I heard someone honk their horn. A 2019 white dodge charger had pulled up on us.

The window rolled down and it was our good old friend Bobby. He the oldest person that we know on our block. He's only a year older than all of us.

"Good morning Bobby!" Dot exclaimed. "Good morning Dot! Audrey and Lotta." He said with a smile. I folded my arms. "Do you think you could us a ride?

We missed our bus and someone had a tantrum." Dot asked Bobby. "It's not MY fault that our bus driver is ignorant! I know he or she saw us." I confessed.

"Awe, well come on in! You guys don't wanna be late on your first day now do you?" Bobby said. "Heck no!" Lotta said. All of us got in and I sat in the back with Lotta. Dot sat in the passenger seat to be closer to Bobby. She likes him and I know she does, but she keeps on denying it.

"Hey Lotta?" I turned my head to her. "Yeah?" She answered. "I'm sorry that I popped off on you." I apologized. "It's all good Audrey, I know how you get when you have your moments so I don't take them personal." She said. Thank god she understands me.

"Yeah..thanks." I said. I looked out the window and tried to fill my head with positive things.

So far, this morning was not the best, but we aren't even at school yet so I can't complain. Besides, what else could go wrong? This is just the beginning of a new journey.

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