ch. 15

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i dont have anything besides my keys and my cellphone, i chose to run. that choice was probably not my best idea. you want to know why?, they ran after me and formed a cirlce around me in an allyway.

"aw look at poor natalie by herself without her macho boyfriend here to protect her." destiny says.

"you think your all that dont you? are you better than everyone else? trying to ruin relationships?" peyton adds in.

"no." i say trying to defend myself. i guess that was the wrong answer because i got slapped.

"you think you can take ellie away from me and think you can get away with it! well think again bitch!" Vince yells

next thing i know peyton punchs me, it fucking hurt! i fell to the ground and when i got back up someone else punches me, then kicks me. when they were done kicking the shit out of me they carried me to what seemed to be a van. they had this all planned out because they knew exactly what to do. they inject me in my arm with something, everything starts to get blurry after alittle while.

"i think its working you guys, this bitch is about to get sweet revenge!" i hear someone say.

i feel someone pulling my clothes off of me and i feel something go in me and it hurts. all i remember is screaming then everything goes black.

when i open my eyes im in a hospital and alex is sitting by me. hes been crying i can my face and body hurts like hell. i try to move but it hurts to much to even move an inch.

"alex" i try to get out

"baby i'm so happy you're awake!" he says fighting tears.

i dont want to see him cry, that will break me. i dont remember much but walking home.

"what happened? why am i here?" i ask confused.

he starts to cry, no he needs to stop or i'm going to break. what the hell happened, i need to know now! as soon as my mouth opens to ask something the doctor comes in.

"i see your're up, you're a little trooper you know." the doctor says.

"what happend" i asked still confused

"your husband found you in your car beat up and drugged with nothing on you but a blanket."

i cant believe this but wait.

"i walked home." i say knowing forsure i did.

"im guessing whoever did this, put you in your car." the doctor says.

oh my god. i want to fucking die! this has to be the worst day of my life. the doctor checks me if i'm good enough to go home and i am. when i get home alex carries me up to the bedroom. he goes down stairs to take care of ellie and i'm all alone, i guess i'll just go to sleep. what did i do to deserve this? a hour later alex walks into the room and lays next to me,just by him being here makes everything better but he cant take the pain away. hes angry and sad i can see it in his face, i cant look at him because in some way i feel like i deserved this.

"i'll get them back for you mamacita and i'm going to make them pay." i hear him say.

i cant have him fight for me, i care for him to much for him to get hurt. im not going to school tomorrow ill be back friday. i'm scared for him to go to school by himself because i dont know what hes going to do. he doesnt know who was following me today, but i do. i'll tell him in a couple days when i say "i remember" cause he thinks i dont remember anything. i cant hug or kiss him and it sucks! the bruising hurts to much to cover up right now.

i feel bad for alex because i left him alone in school, the day takes so long from laying in the bed all day. finally alex gets home, i slightly move up in the bed, the pain went down alittle but it still hurts. my mom comes up to get ellie so she can eat and see alex.

"he seems mad down there." she says then walks out.

he'll be up when its time to come to bed, i dont want him to be mad though. a few hours later, he finally comes in to put ellie down. he looks at me all angry and frustrated, i wonder whats wrong.

"how'd school go?"

"i dont want to talk about it. when are you going to school?"

when he asks me that he sounds so angry and he has a right to be. i dont want him to be mad at me cause him being mad means fighting and if we fight i might lose him.

"i'm going back friday.... listen if your mad at me i'm sorry, i shouldnt have let it happen. if your're going to leave me take ellie becuase i dont want her to see some pathetic person."

next thing i know hes infront of me looking mad and sad. i think i just upset him again. i'm such a bad girlfriend!

"aye! dont you ever say that about yourself again! i aint gunna lose you and you aint going to lose me. i'm pissed off become someone told everyone that the reason you aint at school is because i did some shit to you. and worst of all you think you deserve this shit and when i hear it i just want to grab you to hug you but i cant even do that! when i find out who did this i swear i'll kill them" he says angry.

"no you dont. hearing you say that scares me alex. all that matters is knowing you didnt do this to me. we are going to get through this week and on friday were going to show them how much we love eachother! okay?"

now he has me kind of mad, i dont want to make him go to school but he needs to, he needs to show them hes strong.

"alright" he says.

i feel by this whole vince thing is going to tear us apart even though alex doesnt know what i rememebr, this week is going to be absolutly horrible.

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