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Damian Wayne.

He was known for many things.

Most popular?


Rich boy.




Yes, he is the Prince of Darkness and Gotham would be his.

Time to put aside his life of being a hero.

Being a villain was just so much better.


The alarm sounded.

It was quiet, and could have passed as a very quiet whisper but even so, his eyes shot open wide and took in his surroundings just to find a clean room as it always was.

His bedroom, clean and tidy, nothing out of place, nobody barging in on him, his pets even asleep on the bed by his feet.

Well, not now at least. Titus lay on the ground, head up but remaining still for the most part.

It was four in the morning so one of his brothers should have gone to sleep in the past hour. Yes, Tim slept around three am. The nerd drank coffee and fiddled around with his technology the rest of the night, working only. At least Damian had a set schedule, perfect and routinely. It was healthy, for the most part, and didn't cause any major harm to his body.

Silently swinging his legs over the bed, the thirteen year old found his way over Titus and into the bathroom. Afterwards, he left the room to the gym where he could train for the next two hours.

His actions and mind were set. His routine was set. His life was set. Everything was a routine. As he grew older, he realized that it was more of a chore than anything else.

To be honest, he was thankful it was Friday. Damian honestly couldn't take another day of treacherous school. Gotham's students were as ruthless and merciless as the adults that raised them. They were arrogant in a rude way and thought they were so strong and perfect and just so much better than everyone. A smirk found it's way to Damian's face. It was wrong to think that way, but Damian certainly was better than all of them.

That's what he thought.

No, that's what he believed.


Damian harumphed quietly while he showered. "No, I know I'm better." He was, afterall, Gotham's youngest bachelor, taking after his father's names and titles.

While Bruce Wayne had four children, the first three adopted, Damian at the end and as the youngest was blood related, giving him full rights to the company his father had taken over from his father before him.

Stepping out of the shower and changing into his school uniform, he side-glanced the clock that just ticked to turn six am.

Right on time as usual.

By this time, Titus was up and following after Damian as he left his room and headed downstairs for breakfast. Breakfast he could already smell. As usual, his father was probably already seated at the head of the table with a newspaper in hand as he ate. He had no doubt that Dick was also at the table, already munching away on his breafast with an enthusiastic look. Tim wouldn't be down for another thirty minutes, that was a fact. Then Jason. . . was unpredictable and a wild card. He could be down any time and had the least set schedule than the entire bat family combined. One day, the unpredictable teen would be down by five in the morning or into the third quarter of the seventh hour when they were supposed to leave for school, where, as usual, Damian and Tim would be dropped off first in the school they shared, Jason and Dick last at the high school.

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