chapter eleven

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It was the next day.

Since Damian arrived, it was awkward.

Awkward was an understatement.

Since he came home, he's shut himself in his room and nearly had a panic attack at the situation he forced himself in. He didn't know what he was doing now.

Now that it was the next morning though, he just knew he'd have to confront everyone when he came dowm and sat himself at the breakfast table.

He didn't think he'd have to confront anyone so early in the morning. And if he did, he would have expected it to be Jason. It wasn't. Dick came through the door and planted himself right behind Damian, who stared at his reflection in the body mirror in the room. "You look angry, Grayson. Are you upset father's biological son is actually alive after all these years?"

"You're not Damian. You can't be. You're Renegade, a villain and a murderer."

"And Damian can't be a murderer either? I'm not allowed to kill anyone because I'm a Wayne? Because I was a bat? I'm sixteen now. You can't control me. I was serious about what I said a week ago, Dick. I was tired of being your shadow. Jason's shadow. Even Tim's and especially of my father. But I am me and I am back whether you like it or not. And I've changed."

As much as the eldest didn't want to admit it, Damian was right. The boy has changed. He went from that snarky arrogant little kid to a teenage leader and dominator. A villain known around the country with many accomplishments no matter how bad.

Damian was also on a first name basis with everyone and somehow, that made Dick multitudes of uncomfortable.

"You're seriously being honest with me when you say you're Damian. Like, the Damian who was such a neat freak he threw knives at people who moved something out of place?"


The reminder of his younger teenage years made him groan. "I was so weirdly annoying as a child, wasn't I?" Jason burst into the room. "Hell yeah you were!"

He shut the door and locked it.

"So our golden boy finally figured out. You're getting bad at keeping secrets, baby bird."

"I'm not! Everything. . . happens for a reason."

Dick aimed a look his way. "Because it's God's will?" Damian made a face. "Of course not, I do not believe in a divine power aside from one created by merit. And because I am my own power, these events made by myself. . . everything happens because I want it to. The objective may blur in the process of getting there but it will always happen." Dick punched Jason in the arm with a growl. "So you really did know for three whole years! And both of you-ugh! Don't even get me started! You two don't know how mad I am! A villain, Damian? You became a villain and killed what? A clone of yourself?"

"Actually, that is precisely what I did, yes. And I made Kent my nemesis."

Dick finally came to a quiet and held up his phone to hover it in front of Damian's face. "So I kinda texted him. Told him you're not dead." Damian saw the words in all caps by Jon.


That was sent seven minutes ago. 

A crash from downstairs made them all stumble and trip over each other to get out of the room. The three raced down the stairs to find a hovering Jonathan Kent in pajama pants and nothing more.

Damian finally stopped at the bottom step and looked Jon's body up and down because wow he'd only ever been able to see Jon grow as Superboy, physical features always hidden under the skin tight suit that covered every ounce of his prescious body. Muscles and abs he's never seen before were molded into the super's body beautifully. "Jon," Damian breathed out the name shakily but surely because his boyfriend looked at him with the same fondness Damian held when he watched Superboy fly around in the distance or at the base where the men and women would train and Damian could watch from the other side of the window without him knowing.

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