My Duty(F/A)#1

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Someone POV

"Yes mother......yes everything is fine. It's past 6 and it's dark out.....yes I'll make sure to call you when I get to my place........yes mother....and no cabs come after 6, I'll have to call an Uber.......mother you don't have to buy me a car......I'll get on myself.....yes mother......yes I understand......I'll have to get going now....yes mother.....bye you." I hung up the phone and put it in my back pocket

I looked down at my wrist watch, it was currently 6:37 and I had jus gotten off the plane. I sighed as i couldn't get ahold of an Uber, apparently everyone wanted to go out and didn't want to use their own car. I sat down at the available bench and dragged along my suit case. I looked up at the place I was going to live at, it was a beautiful place near the Han River called the Caelitus.

It wasn't that far, a 10 minute walk. But I'll jus take the bus real quick and then I'll get there. After taking the bus to get there I got off the bus and checked into the place. Once I got into my condominium, I got a call from Superintendent.

"Ne! Yeobuseyo?" I answered and took off my backpack settling it onto the couch

"Ah! Yeobuseyo? Lisayah?" He asked

"Ah! Yes, hello sir." I smiled as I looked out from the window out to the beautiful river down below

"I can see your korean got better!" He praised

"Oh! Ah, thank you sir. I tried my best while I lived in Thailand." I said and sat down while I drank my water when I jus grabbed it from the fridge

"Well that's good to know. And the real reason I called was to ask if you actually got your badge yet?" He asked

"Yes! Yes I got it a week ago. Thank you for asking." I said and took out my badge from my jacket pocket and caressed the ridges

"That's good, tomorrow all of my officers are coming in with uniforms. I hope you can too, I suppose you had gotten your uniforms shipped to you in Thailand?" The superintendent asked

"Yes, I have four pairs. I supposed we don't dress up often?" I asked and closed my water bottle then putting it on the table

"We don't really. Unless we have a meeting or I jus want my officers to dress nice. They get really mad when I do that for no reason." He chuckled through the phone

"Ah okie then. I'll wear my uniform tomorrow sir. Is there anything else you'd like to inform me?" I asked

"Ah! Yes I do. You do have a partner, you both are in the same rankings. I was wondering if you'd like to be paired up with her....she doesn't really like being paired up but I supposed you can try?" He said

"I don't mind sir. I'll be there around 8 in the morning sir, goodbye and have a goodnight sir." I said and he greeted a goodbye

Once the phone call was done, I put my phone down onto the coffee table taking in the sight of my new home. It was nice, one large and big living room for one person. The kitchen was nice and it was the first thing you see as you walk into the condo, then you turn to your left the hallway is connected to two bedrooms and one bathroom. I grabbed my backpack and suitcase walking it to the master bedroom.

I unpacked my things and grabbed a few clothing deciding to shower before going back out to eat. It was now 8:00 at night, i haven't ate since 4 which was when they gave out food in the airplane.

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