•Finding something• (2)

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-Monday, 6:29 am-

Ursula arrived to her school parking her broom near somewhere ..... well is it a school?
Man I haven't told you who I am! Hey I'm Bunny, I'm Ursula's Pet. Anyway back to the story.

Villain academy, the school where they give bad influence to the children there. What do you expect? It says "villain". This is not a hero's story. This is the story of a killer, and the ending is to much. Now you still have time to go.

Ursula walks through the hall looking for her locker. On the way she bumps into a girl the has black and white hair.

"Oh hey Ursula!"

"Oh hey Jinx"

This is Jinx one the craziest person in the story. Probably won't be surprised if she turned out to be a Yandere. She has two personalities.

"So, I was thinking if maybe you wanna go the-"

Ursula passes Jinx in a hurry to her precious locker. She opens it quickly and pulls out a bag of chips.

" Oh my god! I can't believe I forgot this yesterday!"

Ursula hugs her chips close to her chest and whispering sweet little nothings to the bag of chip. Meanwhile, Jinx looks pissed.

" ugh your a bitch you know th- but I still love you. I CANT BELIEVE YOU CHOSE ME OVER A BAG OF CHIPS YOU LITTLE SH- Omg I'm sorry. SHUT UP JINX. "

Jinx was now fighting herself, Which was normal. The bell eventually rings them having to head to class.

-Time skip brought to by depression and the writer of this story is to lazy to write the whole school thing-

Ursula walks alone to her broom getting on it a riding back home. During the ride she keep feeling something was not right. She stopped her broom looking around.

Ursula eyes fell on a necklace the looks old. She puts her broom in the floor walking to the old rusty object. She of course picks it up to have a better look at the details.

She smiles and puts around her neck. She goes to her broom going back home. What she didn't know is that the thing was cursed and will eventually turn her world around.

She'll never see the blood pool that's in her future. She'll never know what it is.

( aaayyyyyyy I'm actually making this. I'm proud of myself)

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2020 ⏰

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