Entry 1

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The Old Man's Diary

Unknown date

On this desolate plateau, the only pleasure that brings me comfort is cooking. And today, I outdid myself! I created the perfect dish. I call it... spicy meat and seafood fry. This recipe not only restores health, but it also keeps me warm, even when traveling in the snowy mountains. With this dish on my side, I no longer have need of that itchy warm doublet.

Unknown date

I do not know how I allowed this to happen, but it seems I forgot to write down a very important recipe. I know it contained raw meat and spicy pepper. However... I simply cannot remember what else I used! My age is catching up to me.

Unknown Date

Sadly, on this lonely plateau, I have only my own knowledge and memory to rely on. Still... If I did find someone who knew the missing ingredient, I would happily reward them with my warm doublet. However, it seems unlikely that such a miraculous wish will ever be fulfilled.

To start, I do not know the date. Therefore I will be counting from one upward by day until I find out. So this will be...

Entry 1

These last two days have been... an adventure, to say the least.

I awoke yesterday morning in a strange chamber, with no memory of myself or the world I am in. There was a stranger's voice in my head, a voice that I do not recognize, and yet it seems familiar... I am led to believe that voice is what woke me up. I was directed by the voice to pick up a so-called "Sheikah slate". It seems a peculiar device, with technology beyond my understanding. Directly outside my chamber was a set of old clothes that are far too small for me, but still I wear them even as a minor defense against the chilly atmosphere.

Upon exiting the chamber I met an old man. He has not told me his name, or perhaps he has none. However he told me about this place. According to legend, this plateau is the birthplace of the entire kingdom of Hyrule. This kingdom, which has decayed for the past one hundred years. There is a monstrous evil contained within the castle on the horizon, an evil that has apparently been growing, and the old man says the time may come soon when it breaks free.

It concerns me greatly, although I feel as though this world is barely mine. However, the voice I heard when I woke up... it seems to be trapped in that castle with the monstrosity, and it has captured my attention. As little time as I have known it, I feel in my bones that I can trust it, and my will to come to its rescue takes even me by surprise.

Now, on a lighter note, this diary I am able to write in was gifted to me by the old man! He has barely used it and said he has no need for it anymore, and has recommended I keep a record of my adventures. He said it will be fun to look back and see where I started. I must say I agree with him. Perhaps by prompting myself to take in the details so I might be able to write them down later... I may notice some things that could trigger my memories to resurface later on that I might not have otherwise noticed. And if not, then I will have something to do in the case I find myself filled with boredom.

I met another strange person yesterday as well, someone who I can only assume to be one of the forest dwelling folk. Now, what a forest dweller was doing hiding in a pond, I am unsure of, but he seemed startled that I found him. I could barely understand his speech, but I believe he mentioned someone called Hestu, then gave me a peculiarly scented golden seed. Perhaps he wants me to bring the seed to Hestu? Who is this Hestu? I suppose I will find out eventually.

That does remind me though, this pouch that was attached with the clothing... I do believe it may be enchanted. I picked some apples today and all six fit into this tiny pouch with no problem. Only one should have been able to fit... I wonder what kind of magic this world holds.

I do find it peculiar that I have a sort of instinct as to what kind of wildlife is safe to consume. Especially the mushrooms. I have only encountered a few types, but I somehow sense that the large colorful ones are safe but the small grey ones might be harmful. And the herbs. Perhaps before I lost my memory I was a botanist.

And yet I also have very quick reflexes when it comes to fighting. I have encountered a few hostile beings that do not seem to speak any sort of human language, and so far they have always attacked me the moment I come into their sight. Fighting against them, however, even with a mere tree branch feels... completely natural to me. Perhaps I was not a botanist, but a warrior instead. With merely a herbal hobby.

I realize that this beginning entry is bound to be much longer than many future entries, but I feel that is only natural. There was much in my mind to ponder over the last forty-eight hours or so. I do not doubt that this world holds much for me to discover, but some days may just be a few words describing the landscapes that I travel past on my way to the castle.

Now, until the morrow, I bid these pages goodnight.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2020 ⏰

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